jw logo vs people who wear a cross. IDOL WORSHIP IS STILL IDOL WORSHIP

by goingthruthemotions 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • suavojr

    A Watchtower used for alerting from outside danger...but far more often, they are used to keep people..IN! The new JW logo is to keep the JW's thinking about the Paradise that is around the corner.

  • Splash

    Wear a pin that just says "Jesus", white text on blue background.

    The brothers would feel uncomfortable about that.


  • Oubliette

    While I always thought it is a bit macabre to wear a cross, (it is after all the instrument of Jesus' death), at least it is associated with the concept of his ransom sacrifice.

    This new JW.ORG logo is just a corporate symbol not too different from IBM or Apple.

    Everyday this business disguised as a religion is looking more and more like corporate America. Tacky.




  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    Excellent posts Oubliette.

    They undoubtedly idolise the Watchtower Society and the organisation. These are certainly promoted and elevated far above Jesus, and Watchtower study articles are held out as tantamount to letters from Jehovah himself.

    Did the early Christian writers, such as Paul, promote obedience to the congregation and older men in Jerusalem ahead of Jesus? How often is Jesus Christ referred to in the Pauline letters compared to any congregational/organisational structure? How often is Jesus Christ referred to in the Watchtower's writings and teachings compared to the organisation? Just about every Watchtower study article has a focus on loyalty and obedience to the organisation and furthering it's programme of works, rather than the main focus simply being on 'Christianity'.

    JW's are clearly not following the first century scriptural pattern for where the emphasis should go. They've become just another self-promoting sect in a sectarian world, falling into the very trap that their founder C T Russell worked so hard to break free from.

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