Some good books to read?

by thedepressedsoul 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • thedepressedsoul

    I just finished Crysis of a Conscience and all I have to say is wow! Showed how they sadly look for doctrine changes to fit their agenda vs what the bible says. I'll never be the same again. Any new light or changes I'll be wondering the real motive behind them.

    What are some other good books to read? I'm open minded to just about any type of book. Any suggestions will be well appreciated! It can be on religon, the bible etc... from any view point, good or bad.

  • Crazyguy

    Who wrote the bible by Richard Friedman, also any books about ancient Canaanite religion guy by the name of Smith is a credible author. Early history of god would be a great first book by him. There is so much info about ancient religions and culture that's revealing concerning the bible infact in the twentieth century they found over 50k tablets about life, religion and things in the city of Nineveh alone.

  • Oubliette

    I'm reading Steven Pinker's The Better Angels of Our Nature. It's a fascinating read. He discusses how we now are living in the least violent time in human history. That's right, everything is getting better, a lot!

    In the beginning of the book he completely deconstructs religion, particularly Yahweh, the God of the OT, and explains how much of violence throughout human history has been the result of the kind of thinking promoted in the Bible.

    It's devastating to WT "theology" on many levels.

  • jgnat

    Rain of Gold by Victor Villasenor

    Sweet Summer: Growing up with and without My Dad by Bebe Moore Campbell

    A Town Like Alice by Nevil Shute

    I'm a grandmother and a lifetime reader, still looking for a recipient for my gold. All three of these books are on my lifetime best-loved list and I would dearly love to pass them on. Their characterizations are spot-on, the voices clear as day. Sadly, my children are not readers.

  • Old Goat
    Old Goat

    About Witnesses: Schulz and de Vienne: Nelson Barbour the Millennium's Forgotten Prophet and their Separate Identity.

    Fiction? I've been re-reading David Eddings books. Rienhart's Circular Staircase is still good.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Right now I'm reading High as the Horses' Bridles by Scott Cheshire, who was raised as a JW. An amazing description of the Stanley Theater (he calls it something else - this is fiction) in the first few pages. A great writer, enjoying the book so far. . . .

  • Phizzy

    I have been a voracious reader since I first learned to read, at about 6 years old I guess. When young I read some fantastic fiction, most of which would seem very dated now, I even read some late Victorian "thrillers" that would probably be too "heavy" for today's readers.

    There are too many wonderful books to list, so I will simply mention one work of fiction I read recently which I found to be so unique, and so well written, that I think it is well worth a read.

    It is a very English novel, but very unusual, it is called " The Unlikely Pilgimage of Harold Fry " by Rachel Joyce. Published by Black Swan here in the U.K

  • jgnat

    Phizzy, I've added that book to my "To Read" list.

  • flipper

    THE DEPRESSED SOUL- I always recommend people read Steve Hassan's 3 books on mind control if they are exiting the JW organization as it describes HOW high control organizations use psychological manipulation and control to deceive members. Steve Hassan's website is : . Those 3 books of his helped me even more than reading Ray Franz's " Crisis of Concience ". I highly recommend reading any of Steve Hassan's books. Take care, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I was 3/4 of the way through Doris Kearns Goodwin, Bully Pulpit, when I experienced problems with my Nook. Several books are reading. I have no storage space.

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