E-Watchman? Thoughts?

by thedepressedsoul 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • thedepressedsoul

    I stumbled upon the website E-Watchman today and while I didn't have time to read over everything I found this thoughts so far quite interesting. Recently when reading Matthew I can't help but feel that Jesus warnings about the Pharisees also applied to the GB and Elders. Actually everytime Jesus brought them up I realized how similar they are. (Reading the bible for the 1st time completely neutral and with an open mind to see what I take from it)

    Some of his idea's seem a little wacky too. Has anyone else looked into that site and if so, what was your take from it?

    Over the fence on the WT but still on the fence about god.

  • baltar447

    He is a lunatic. His crazy is just different from the JWs a little.

  • Dagney


  • sir82

    Some of his idea's seem a little wacky too

    Ya think????

    He used to post on this site many years ago. User name was "You Know". Take a peek if you enjoy lunatic ravings.

  • Magnum

    I've read some of his stuff over the last few years. I agree with all three of the comments above.

    Over the fence on the WT but still on the fence about god.

    Me, too.

  • disposable hero of hypocrisy
    disposable hero of hypocrisy

    Yep that's a grand way to describe exactly where I am too! Catchphraser stolen. Yoink!

  • frankiespeakin

    It took me a couple of years of knowing TTATT before I finally gave up my concepts about the bible deity it's a process discovering TTATT. It was a big turning point for me when I did though:

    about ten years ago when i gave up beleif in Jehovah I made this thread:


  • tim hooper
    tim hooper

    I believe that he's actually this fella:http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/member/6903/posted/1

  • LostGeneration

    Nut job.

  • stillin

    I used to look at that website quite frequently. The alternative thoughts that are expressed there got me thinking. The original JW.org!

    I actually wondered whether it could be a certain Circuit Overseer who served here at one time, but there is no way to know...

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