Singing, dancing, etc at Int. Conv's, pushed by top leadership?

by WingCommander 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • WingCommander

    Over the past several months, we've seen a flood of Youtube video's showing not just the advertising of the cities for the International Conventions, but also of the "entertainment" happening at various convention halls and congregations. Examples would be the line-dancing, worldly music, dancing outside the conventions, etc. Many of us who grew up in this ultra-strict, thou-shalt-not cult are left with our jaws on the floor at this seemingly "worldly" display of showy, excessive, mainstream behaviour.

    Progress is happening. The old gaurd (Ted J. and others) from the greatest "Generation" have "passed away." The flood gates of progress have opened. The newer, younger Governing Body members are not as stupid as we'd like to think. They obviously have hired PR consultants to improve and upscale their out-of-date marketing and branding. There have been rumors that they now monitor these sites in hopes of staving off our sound logic with emotion based propoganda. We are now seeing the results. A facelift of the cult.....a long overdue facelift. Ted J, Nathan Knorr, and Freddy Franz must be knashing their teeth at this polished turd.

    I find it curious.....very curious, about the more mainstream approach to music, singing, and even dancing that is happening and being shown online. These types of activities would have NEVER been allowed in the WatchTower of the past. People would have been marked or even disfellowshipped for such "brazen conduct." But this is no longer the "WatchTower." This is the new and improved we are talking about. I feel this unprecedented show of mainstream singing, dancing, and even choirs will become the new "normal" for congregations, and I also feel the orders came right from the top leadership to not only allow it, but encourage it as well. I fully expect to see JW choirs, piano's and other instruments appearing in Kingdom Halls in the near future. This is an attempt to appear more mainstream and less dull, and also to drum up some actual involvment with the stagnating Kingdom Halls. It is not a coincidence that these things are happening all around the country simultaneously. This ideas and been pushed and "allowed" right from the top down, and will continue on. I would not be surprised to see Congregation Picnics and other outings brought back and encouraged. Possibly even.....dare I say it? - Sunday School for youth? Why not? They already have a coloring/kid section in the publications. The set-up is there. They are trying to polish and shine their tarnished image up ala Scientology. I mean, how whacky is Scientology, right? Yet, it is sleek, cool, and techy in appearance and it still hooks unsuspecting, uneducated suckers right in. Truly, Satan makes his appearance as an, "Angel of Light."

    I leave you with this fine new example of what we can expect to see more of. What shall I entitle this? The Tabernacle Choir? Why not.

    - Wing Commander" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>

    PS: If admin could embed video right into post, that would be great. I can't figure it out.

  • sir82

    I don't know if it was "pushed", but given its prominence on the internet and apparent lack of repercussions (if the WTS wanted those videos taken down, a few phone calls from branch to CO to COBE with threats of DF would settle the issue quickly), it is quite evident they give at least tacit approval.

    Which implies that it is part of their overall re-branding strategy.

    Still not sure what they want their end-product to look like.

    The Tabernacle Choir?

    There is an official Bethel choir used for recording music. They meet at Patterson several times a year to record.

  • kneehighmiah

    No these are definitely pushed. theyve been secret previously. I've been to such an event in a foreign country with a governing body helper in attendance. A CO was an emcee of the event. These events are just new to people here, but the event i attended was a year ago and was of much higher quality. Professional dancing and musicians at an assembly hall.

  • donuthole

    Story #1

    When I was a teenager in the early 90's, a married sister in the congregation was having a party for young people at a local park. Teenagers prepared Saturnal Night Live style sketches and afterward there was dancing to pop music. There was cake and punch. It was more wholesome than American Bandstand. My father was a Presiding Overseer and thought that it would set a bad example for the congregation if I attended such a gathering. He finally relented when he it turned out that I was the only one not going.

    Story #2

    Around the same time our congregation was getting ready to pour concrete in our gravel parking lot. A few of us stayed overnight to watch the tools and materials and that were stored onsite. My father was outside roasting a whole pig on a spit to feed the friends the next afternoon. Meanwhile I was inside with my buddy and we were bored. He had the key to the sound system and I got the great idea that we would play some music. We popped in a cassette and I went so far as to dance on the stage before we were busted by an elder. To say that I got "in trouble" would be an understatement. I felt awful and for years after believed that if I didn't make it through Armaggedon it was because I had defied Jehovah's house with worldly music.

    I'm dumfounded to see these very things happening in sactioned Kingdom Hall events today.

    I bet single, elderly Bethelites may have felt the same way when Knorr suddenly returned to Bethel a married man, after it had been condemned for so long.

  • BU2B

    I dont expect any changes. I think these were a one off for the international delegates. 99% of JWs do not even know these things happened, and they never will.

  • ateograciasadios

    What on earth is he doing???

    The music of the WT can be summarized in this video. I had never seen such a histrionic performance from a conductor, and I have seen and worked with A LOT of bad conductors. This is beyond shameful.

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    My thought for the moment about all of the music and dancing at the KHall's.

    It is like a RED HERRING.

    JW's need/want to talk about something.

    After 100 years, NOTHING RELIGIOUS is going on. ????? lololol

    So what to draw the publishers attention to???

    Rebranding . lol



    It's the JW version of the cave orgy in THE MATRIX. You have 100 years of kingdom rule and nothing happening. All this entertainment is nothing more than a distraction, a smokescreen for what's really going on, which is nothing. Jay dubs can point to these videos and their own homemade videos and say," look we're not in a cult!"

    What this truly shows is the immense power the governing body has over the average rank and file witness. The governing body loosens the reigns, barely, and everyone thinks they're being blessed. When being able to do something normal is a special centennial event in the life of 8 million people, you're in a freaking cult. WHEN YOU HAVE TO DO EVERYTHING YOU CAN, JUST TO TRY TO CONVINCE PEOPLE YOU'RE NOT IN A CULT, YOU'RE IN A FREAKING CULT!


  • Iown Mylife
    Iown Mylife

    You GO, D-D! and right on.

    I remember when we first came in, mid 80s, the olderns would disparage little changes in the way things were being done. And the elders would take the opportunity to teach us how Jehovah's servants need to be flexible and ready to take in new light, not get all stiff necked and set in our ways like these grumbling, murmuring old people who had pioneered and spent their lives serving the WT.


  • Calebs Airplane
    Calebs Airplane

    They are pathetically running out of membership retention ideas...

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