Samuel Herd said we should preach wherever we are told to, even if there are bullets flying everywhere and dead bodies found in the territory.

by defender of truth 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Balaamsass2

    Glad Sam likes to lead from the rear. Sidlick was the LAST GB 1.0 to serve as an Elder in a rough congregation -Bed Stye in Brooklyn. He picked a few big guys as travel companions. One was a 6'2"+ undefeated golden gloves champ.

    I see GB2.0 can't wait to exit to the WTBTS "Country compound" ..Very brave fellows.

  • BucketShopBill

    Dude, you are so smart! That hit me now, not the Bible but their literature that's now considered trash or Apostate! Thank's for helping me understand something new, thank you! JWs risked their life to bring in Watchtower Literature, not the Holy Bible, their Waffle Words.

    D.C.M.S. wrote


    It reminds me of JWs during WWII who were imprisoned in Nazi conentration camps. They risked their lives as free people, and again as prisoners, to smuggle-not Bibles- but the Watchtower magazine. Their allegiance was to WT and its theology because it was "god's organization".

    And look at what they risked freedom and life for: doctrines that were taught then as "absolute truth", so important to a JW they'd risk all for it, have largely been discarded as nonsense (old light) and are no longer relevant to JWs today, barely a blip in WT history. JWs paying with their lives for beliefs that weren't worth the paper they were written on.

    Today: WT is still telling JWs to risk their lives to spread a message that no doubt will be trashed/modified/minimized as time goes by, and the message/doctrines JWs now feel is worth their lives to preach will be snickered at by future JWs as merely the silliness of WT's past as it "progressed".

  • Quendi

    While certainly not agreeing with Sam Herd's dangerous nonsense, I have to say that many Witnesses have followed the same course in the past and I'm not talking about Nazi Germany. During the terrible Balkans wars of the 1990s Witnesses dodged bullets and shells during the siege of Sarajevo. I remember attending a circuit assembly where a letter was read from a Witnesses in that city. In it he described the "bravery" of the local Witnesses who persisted in the canvassing work, furtively going from house to house with their message. They were held up as an example to the rest of us to not complain about working under far more benign conditions. Furthermore, the audience was also told that we could be sure that the Bosnian Witnesses had Jehovah's favor and blessing for canvassing despite the death-dealing situations they were facing. Many of us nodded our heads in agreement with this sentiment, a testimony to just how deep the mind control the cult can have over its adherents.


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