Samuel Herd said we should preach wherever we are told to, even if there are bullets flying everywhere and dead bodies found in the territory.

by defender of truth 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • defender of truth
    defender of truth

    This man's views are dangerous. Go to the link at the bottom of this post. Download FEAR OF GIANTS(ok).mp3

    Listen to approximately minutes 15-18 of this talk from 1983, where he talks about witnessing in Cabrini Green in Chicago. Even if it involves risking your life... go out in service, wherever and whenever you are directed to, is the message!!

  • whathehadas

    candymanEven when the Candyman is there? Crazy man

  • prologos

    In many parts of the world the jws would be the dead bodies, if they preached or handed out JWORK cards.

    Preferred method? beheading*, according to REV. 20, a prerequisit to the the heavenly calling.

    easy, with his hope to say, for Sam Herd ,

    to the other sheep in the herd.

    * did that not happen to a group of 'publishers' in the southern part of the philippines?

  • defender of truth
    defender of truth

    Has anyone listened to that portion of the talk? (15: to 18: )

  • punkofnice

    Samuel Herd said we should preach wherever we are told to, even if there are bullets flying everywhere

    OK. Fair enough. He can lead by example and go there first then!

    I bet the old paedophile lover won't though!

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    Great advice from a Primadonna looking down from his WT Ivory Tower.

  • jgnat

    What? The WTS not picking up enough martyrs for the publications?

  • Vidiot

    Any leader who gives orders he wouldn't follow himself is unworthy of leadership.

  • Emery

    Yes, go risk your life to preach information that's subject to change every 5-10 years.

  • Ding

    Rule #1: The GB must be obeyed at all costs.

    Rule #2: See Rule #1.

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