Can JW's get themselves sterilized?

by Splash 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Splash

    NO, IT IS ABSOLUTELY WRONG - w59 7/1 p. 416 Questions From Readers
    However, it is absolutely wrong for a person to think that in order to stay free for the Kingdom service and avoid family responsibilities in the way of children he is justified in getting himself sexually sterilized.

    NO, IT IS HARMFUL - w61 12/1 p. 735 Questions From Readers
    sterilization harmfully affects the asexualized person physically and mentally.

    NO, IT IS UNSCRIPTURAL - w64 3/1 p. 159 Questions From Readers
    Sterilization, whether temporary or permanent, for the specific purpose of birth control would Scripturally be wrong.

    YES, IF THE MOTIVE IS RIGHT - w75 3/1 p. 158-159 Questions from Readers
    Hence, it would be wrong for one to submit to sterilization or approve of sterilization of one’s wife simply because one has no appreciation for God’s gift of the procreative powers.
    it appears that such a decision is one that rests on the individual consciences of those involved.

    IT CAN LEAD TO MADNESS - g78 2/22 p. 30 Watching the World
    vasectomy may produce profound mental anguish in a man and may even lead to madness

    IT CAN LEAD TO HEART ATTACK - g79 8/22 p. 29 Watching the World
    After the sterilization, the male sperm, denied their normal outlet, seep into the bloodstream. There they apparently set up a reaction... which can lead to a stroke or a heart attack.

    YES, BUT IT MIGHT AFFECT YOUR QUALIFICATIONS - w85 5/1 p. 31 Questions From Readers
    Since the Christian Greek Scriptures give no direct guidance on such matters, Christians must make personal decisions about limiting the size of their family and about [sterilization] birth control.

    YES - g96 10/8 p. 14 Who Should Decide Family Size?
    In the case of sterilization, such as by a vasectomy, the decision is one of personal conscience, since this is not directly mentioned in the Bible.

    YES, BUT IT MIGHT AFFECT YOUR QUALIFICATIONS - w99 6/15 p. 28 Questions From Readers
    Some in that situation have reluctantly submitted to a sterilization procedure as described earlier to make sure that no pregnancy would threaten the life of the mother.


  • sir82

    So, the answer depends on who writes and/or edits the Watchtower or Awake that particular month & year.

    Apparently the "new light" is a strobe light!

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    So, the answer depends on who writes and/or edits the Watchtower or Awake that particular month & year.

    Has it ever been any other way??

  • Phizzy

    A young kid came in to our K.H just after his Dad had undergone a Vasectomy, and announced to all and sundry " Me Dad's balls have gone black !".

    Enough to put any male off.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    Once they go black you never go back...

  • sd-7

    It's a painful procedure, but mostly the two needles before they even do the surgery. But...given that it's really none of the Society's business, one would just have to avoid telling them and hope no JWs work at the urologist's office or the hospital... But you'd need collusion from your mate, and since mates tend to be stool pigeons in my experience, well, I guess I just have no appreciation for God-given reproductive powers. Or maybe I've just counted the cost and wanted to have more resources to devote to Kingdom interests rather than caring for children in this dying system of things, depending on how you look at it. Besides, won't Jehovah repair my reproductive organs 'soon' in the new system, as he 'must' if I am to gradually reach perfection?


  • DesirousOfChange

    REALLY...................HOW WOULD ANYONE KNOW?

    What things are they testing now for "qualifications"?

    I always wondered that when it came to the argument in the 1st Century about circumcision. How would they know?


  • Brainfloss


  • Brainfloss


  • bigmac

    back in the late 70's---my born in wife had had 3 kids---and refused to even discuss birth control. i offered to have a vasectomy--she wouldnt even consider that either. ( i was no longer a cult member by then )

    by 1981--she had divorced me---so in a way she let me off the hook. but i never fathered any more kids after. ( as far as i am aware )

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