World Events bring about A Renewed Zeal!!!

by jk-ton 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • Finkelstein

    The WTS. was always very cunning to exploit people's ignorance from theological standpoint and from outside secular knowledge

    concerning history and world events.


    They've always known that they have a publishing house to operate and their own awareness of the power albeit delusional

    of how they've come into that position themselves.

    A little bit of lying and a little bit of bullshitting.


    In other words "The END TIMES" is here because the Watchtower Corporation is here and there is a lot of literature

    this publishing house wants to distribute to the general public.

  • leaving_quietly

    I watched "Apocalypse Later: Harold Camping vs. The End of the World" over the weekend. Fascinating documentary. JWs aren't the only ones, of course, but it was interesting to hear how the stats of how many Americans believe we are in "the last days". This documentary is an eye-opener into the minds of believers, and this isn't limited to JWs. JWs just have a harsher way of dealing with those who don't agree with them.

  • Separation of Powers
    Separation of Powers

    There is a "speeding up" of the sanctimonious attitude of JW's. The JW.ORG novelty is the cause. They have moved into the 21st century with a website replete with videos, PDF files, and nice looking graphics. It is only because of Holy Spirit that this has happened. Holy Spirit has directed the new and improved GB to help assist in the speeding up work so that the "little one" can become a mighty nation.

    Young and old, especially 30-somethings reaching out for more notariety are all over this. JumboTrons at the assemblies to help personalize the GB and assist people in believing that they are all on the same page. They are blessed now more than ever!

    Like the Israelites of old, the JW's want a human figure to follow. It is, as I have mentioned in a previous post, the cult of personality that most attracts people. They want their Stephen Lett's with the over-the-top mannerisms and funny grandpa looks. They want a visible king and a visible temple. They have it with both the new and improved attention seeking GB and the temple that is JW.ORG.

    Events in the world haven't had much of an impact in my opinion....JW's are probably one of the least educated with regard to what is truly happening in the world. They are like pre-teens busy with some teeny-bopper boy band. Posters and idolization. Can't wait to see JW.ORG jewelry and t-shirts for sale on the website. OR the Like us on Facebook logo to appear below the VISA/MasterCard logo....

    Sanctimonious? You got that right!

  • steve2

    It's good night to the end of 'the system of things' and good morning to - a nice distraction to whip up zeal.

  • Finkelstein

    As I mentioned previously the WTS's leaders are opportunists, they are now taking advantage of modern technology ( ie. computers )

    when back in the mid 1980's they demeaned computers in the Watchtower or Awake Magazines.

    Of course they now say this technology is god's will and provision.

  • Vidiot

    Finkelstein - "A little bit of lying and a little bit of bullshitting."

    There's a difference?

  • scotoma

    One thing is obvious. The world is NOT becoming more antireligious. And the main JW scenario is that Babylon the Great is False Religion and that the tribulation starts when the UN bans religion.

    There is nothing absolutely nothing in world events that says governments are going to turn against religion.

    Every once in a while there are rumors about taxing churches in the USA. This has been going on since the 1950's.

    A recent advocate of taxing religion floated the figure of 28 billion dollars of possible revenue if all the taxing bodies (fed,state,local) made religious institutions pay tax like every other organization.

    That sounds like a big number. But compare that to the 6.2 trillion dollars of taxes taken in by all taxing bodies and you see it is not a significant amount. 28 billion is not even 1/2 of 1 percent of 6.2 trillion.

    If the government was desperate for another 28 billion dollars to waste, it could simply increase it's tax burden on individuals and corporations by that 1/2 of 1 percent.

    The richest entity on earth isn't some crazy grouping called World empire of false religion.

    The richest entity on earth is the USA with its "shameless luxury" otherwise known as conspicuous consuption.

    The most powerful enitity on earth is not the United Nations or Nato.

    The most powerful entity on earth that dominates the world is The USA

    The entity whose traveling merchants are the top ranking men of the earth isn't religions.

    It's the USA (Look at Forbes list of most influential people in the world. )

  • BucketShopBill

    The Apostle Paul's words mean "When the World is kicking back, saying things are just like they have always been, than the End will come!" There is no or was a "Peace and Security" proclamation. We know from First Century history, men like Josepheous did not speak of a "Peace and Security" proclamation because the Empire and Holy Land were in constant chaos as the Roman Economy was slowly declining. No "Peace and Security before the Jewish Seige or Diaspora when wave after wave of Jews got slammed in 66-70 AD and finally stripped of their country in 140 AD. How come nobody seems to speak of some Peace and Security?

  • Clambake

    About four years ago I listened to this speaker at a Full Gospel church about the Arab Spring and how the United Nations will promise to protect Israel and this treaty will be broken. It was pretty much the standard evangelical position where the church and Israel are two different things. Israel will be attacked by its neighbours and BAM jesus comes back.

    The funny thing is he said something like the good guys today will be the enemies of tomorrow. It kind of ironic that Gaddafi, Assad, Saddam etc etc were really the lesser of two evils.

    This really just isn’t a JW thing.

    I like to tell the JW I will be raptured before things get too bad. Man, it pisses them off.

  • scotoma

    Bucket Shop Bill,

    I used to defend the "Peace and security" statement as being a special unique proclamation but am now agreeing with your statement.

    It doesn't say that there is some universal achievement that is announced. It's just something that people say to themselves. "All is well" therefore I can rest easy. Humans like to know everything is quiet, peaceful, and secure so they can get a good nights rest. That's why it says in vs 6 of 1Thess. Chapter 5. "So then let us not sleep on as the rest do but let us stay awake and keep our senses." That's when suddenly, without warning conditions of intense suffering ensue - like the birth pangs of a pregnant woman.

    So you don't need an announcement. People will go to bed like they usually do in the vast majority of the world thinking it's safe to close their eyes and get their rest. Ho-hum another day another dollar....zzzzz.....I wonder what I'm going to do this weekend....zzzzz.....

    Perhaps the period we have been experiencing the last 20 years since the Soviet Union died has been relatively peaceful. The United States has been involved in wars but they were wars (especially after 9/11) but even these were wars of their own choosing and not really necessary.

    Another place where an unexpeccted attack occurs is in Daniel 8:23-25 It describes Putin the Anti-Christ.

    23 “In the latter part of their reign, when rebels have become completely wicked, a fierce-looking king, a master of intrigue, will arise. 24 He will become very strong, but not by his own power. He will cause astounding devastation and will succeed in whatever he does. He will destroy those who are mighty, the holy people. 25 He will cause deceit to prosper, and he will consider himself superior. When they feel secure, he will destroy many and take his stand against the Prince of princes. Yet he will be destroyed, but not by human power.

    Putin is known for his stern face. He is a master of intrigue since he was once even in charge of the FSB. He also came to power by appointment. He never had a constituency. Yeltsin and his clan of oligarchs chose him because they knew he would be loyal.

    It is foolish to think that there will be a good ending to the current conflict between the USA and Russia.

    Everyone laughed at Romney when he said Russia was the number one security threat to the USA.

    When asked about that recently Obama dissed Russia “Russia is a regional power that is threatening some of its immediate neighbors — not out of strength but out of weakness,” he went on to say “I continue to be much more concerned when it comes to our security with the prospect of a nuclear weapon going off in Manhattan.”

    Well that could happen. That would wake up everyone from their secure and peaceful sleep. Don't put it past Putin. He could do that and blame it on Jihadist.

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