Poignant Statistics Summary for Comment at This Sunday WT Study! (Aug. 3, 2014)

by SAHS 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    There are none so blind as those who refuse to see.

    Now that you're waking up from the WT-induced stupor, you are able to connect the dots. As for the other sheeple, their minds are awash in unreasonable words from the cult and their time too wasted by unproductive recruiting to stop and take a real look at the things that you are seeing.

  • joe134cd

    This is another good example of just how in the dark they are. When i was awakening I was talking to a dubbie about the Conti case. 1st reply I got was he wasn't interested in apostate material. I replied by saying I didn't realise the New York Times was apostate. The reply I got back was "don't read overseas news papers because this was going to confuse me". Clearly the issue with child abuse in the watchtower is due to overseas news papers confusing me. This comment come from someone who I would describe as an fair minded reasonable man - for other than been a dubbie. Just saddens me really.

  • sir82

    most JWs are not thinkers.

    That understates it.

    All JWs are specifically & deliberately trained NOT to think.

    I've had the same experience when sneaking in "subversive" thoughts into comments & talks.

  • OneEyedJoe

    This sort of thread always makes me think of a elder that used to be in my congregation. The more I think about a lot of his talks and comments, the more I think he was fully awake, but stuck in for family (he was older and in poor health). He would often make comments that were completely contrary to the WT article being discussed (ie when the article demonizes education, he'd make a comment about how a man is obligated to support his family and sometimes an education is the best way of doing that). Since his passing, I've also learned that he often would raise issues in elder's meetings, creating an unwanted discussion that would last an hour or more, only to drop any objection when it comes to a vote. In his talks he seemed to either take the WTS's stance on such a hard line that it would demonstrate how absurd it is to anyone who's really paying attention (one of his talks like this was a source of continued distress and doubt to me, and helped me to wake up) or sometimes he'd give a half hour talk that was a reasonable explanation of scritures that completely (but subtly) contradicted the WTS's official stance.

    The result? asside from one brother that knew him best (who i once heard describe him as "almost appostate") everyone in the hall thought he was so smart and was just the deepest thinker and most knowledgable witness there was. No one immagined that anything he said was anything but a raving endorsement of the WTS's policies.

  • Terry

    How many hours did Jesus and his Apostles put into the field service each month?

    How many did the disciples?

    How many hours did the Apostle Paul put in on average?

    WE DON'T KNOW and there is a reason we don't know.


    There is so much unreality built in to this religion I strongly sense there is a psychological need to root

    the meaningless activity in something concrete and provable.

    Think of it with this analogy.



    After the Civil War, two neighbors bump into each other at a bar.

    "How you been doin' Jeb?"

    "Great--I hid all my Confederate money in my mattress so the Johnny Rebs couldn't get it!"

    "Jeb, the Confederacy has collapsed, you can't spend that money!"

    "Hell--that don't matter-- I'm a Millionaire!"



    The Watchtower brags about the hours spent by door to door preachers.

    WHY? What do those hours represent?

    100+ years they've delivered material which TODAY is not regarded as accurate theology!

    If what they preached IS NOT ACCURATE, that means it wasn't TRUTH.

    All these publishing statistics are like printing and distributing Confederate bills!

  • darkspilver


    6 days and all that maths! But still nobody has stated the obvious? I suppose that's what you call 'hiding in plain sight'!....

    I'm going for a walk now... be back with more in an hour or so ;)

    That's all folks!

    DarK SpilveR

  • darkspilver

    Personally I blame all that highfalutin college education - I mean all you gotta to be able to do is read, write and do basic sums, what more do you want to do after all?

    So let's apply the KISS theory - Keep It Simple, Stupid!

    They are told by Messrs Jackson et al. to 'not boast in numbers'? Why, because the numbers are decreasing!

    Total baptized 2003-12: 2,707,710
    Total baptized 1993-02: 3,149,153

    That's a pure 14% decrease.

    Nothing complicated or controversial just 441,443 less people being baptized decade-on-decade. No death-rates, birth-rates, what-you-like-rates.

    Just a simple 44,144 less people being baptized each year.

    So, over a twenty year period there is now a consistent 848 less people being baptized each week.

    That's a 121 less people being baptized each day.

    Heck, that effectively means there is one less 'congregation' each and every day - yeah you could even say one congregation is disappearing each day!

    Of course, it doesn't actually mean it's true.... LOL!

    That's all folks!

    DarK SpliveR

  • SAHS

    “darkspilver”: “ So let's apply the KISS theory - Keep It Simple, Stupid! ”

    I like that! There’s really nothing like elegant simplicity to cut through all the convoluted bullsh^t.

    You, sir, get the “Captain Obvious” award for this one! (You know, that guy in the marine captain’s uniform on the “Hotels.com” commercials – he’s priceless.)

  • jgnat

    Well, I know some of those shrinking and closed Kingdom halls here in rural Alberta...

  • darkspilver

    Of course the next question is why Messrs Herd et al. decided to highlight 'ten years' of baptisms - which we now know (finally!), when compared with the previous ten years shows a 14% decrease or effectively one congregation disappearing EACH DAY?

    You see, Messrs Lett et al. could have choosen say last 'five years' of baptisms - that would have meant, when compared to the previous five years, there would have been an INCREASE - but they didn't!

    No, they specifically decided to go with ten years with the underlying 14% decrease - why?

    Well remember that Messrs Splane et al. said in that same paragraph that they should 'not boast in numbers'?

    Why? Because the young Messrs Sanderson et al. are in this for the long haul - they are laying the foundation to prepare the people for a decrease over the next few years.

    40 years on and 2014/15 is the new 1975/76?

    That's all folks!

    DarK SpliveR

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