If I was God..

by jam 14 Replies latest jw experiences

  • jam

    If I was God how would I have created man so he wouldn't sin.


    I may lose some of you here, but stick with me.

    OK, God gave us a conscious but sometimes our conscious can

    be sabotaged. Example, married guy out having a drink with

    his buddies, a young lady sat next to him with her dress up

    to her waist, she begain to flirt with the guy. Conscious out

    the door after a few drinks.

    What if God created us along with our conscious an internal alarm

    that worked with our conscious, instant diarrhea.

    Ok I lost some of you here..LOL

    There are some weird stories in the Bible, if I told someone who have

    never read the Bible I just step out of the belly of a whale for three

    days, the reason for my body odor. I withness a fight and the one

    gut cut the ear off of the other fellow and a stranger appeared and re-

    attached his ear. No blood no surgical instruments, wham, bam thank

    you ma'am. Try telling this to someone with a serious face , I had a

    verbal conversation with my jack ass this morning.

    Let's go back to the guy in the bar, if he instantly develop diarrhea along

    with his conscious, a quick exit home to his loving wife.

    If Adam had instant diarrhea, no eating of the forbidding fruit.

    Diarrhea may not kill you but it will shut you down, preventing you from


    A guy attempting to rape, he develop instant diarrhea. In no time he will

    be running away holding his stomach and rear.

    Imagine a GB member developing diarrhea in both places, we know

    they have diarrhea of the mouth but from the rear , each time

    they feed the RF.

    Yes if I was God. diarrhea woudl be my answer to prevent sin..

  • Bye bye birdie
    Bye bye birdie

    Well I am sorry jam but there is an invention for circumventing your discipline to humans.

    (Video below is not for the weak stomached population )


  • sir82

    You might want to dial back that dosage of the magic mushrooms before writing your next piece.

  • jam

    Bye bye; That is funny , sick but funny..But it woudl still be hard to

    commit rape under those condition. You can't even have a decent argument

    with the wife when diarrhea strikes..

  • Bye bye birdie
    Bye bye birdie

    Jam.....you do make a strong point.. Even with d pants. Life is awkward for crime!

  • jam

    sir82; The mind has never been quite right since leaving the

    truth, sorry the cult....

  • NVR2L8

    If I was God....I wouldn't exist...

  • jam

    Nvr2lB: you have a point there.

  • Island Man
    Island Man

    The free will excuse used to explain how perfect Adam sinned, is foolish. Think about it, why does anyone choose to do wrong? I can think of 3 main reasons (though there may be more):

    ~ Ignorance.

    ~ Lack of wisdom.

    ~ Lack of self-control.

    If Adam and Eve were made perfect, they would not have had a lack of self control. What about wisdom? Being perfect, Adam and Eve should have been perfectly wise. However the extent of their wisdom would have been limited by the extent of their knowledge or ignorance. Being new to the world we can assume that they were ignorant. It is this ignorance that caused Eve to be easily deceived by the serpent because deception works by exploiting a person's ignorance.

    But who was responsible for the ignorance of Adam and Eve? Doesn't every parent have a responsibility to educate their children in the best way possible to safeguard them against being misled by bad peers? Did God do all he can to educate Adam and Eve sufficiently so that they would be personally convinced of the wisdom of doing what is right and not disobeying?

    The bottom line is that people choose to do bad because they think they will benefit from it in some way or because they lack self control to resist doing bad even when they know it will ultimately harm them. But if God made them perfect they would have perfect self control; and if he gave them sufficient knowledge they would not think see the doing of bad as being a desirable choice. Therefore God bears responsibility for the sin of Adam and Eve.

    Free will is not absolutely free. It is governed by the environment. God created an environment that led Adam and Eve to the choice of sin.

    Do normal, healthy people choose to jump of cliffs to their deaths? No, because they know about the effects of gravity and so that choice is not desirable. God could have implanted Adam and Eve with all the knowledge required to prevent them from being deceived by the serpent. Knowing all the facts they would have chosen of their own free will, not to eat of the fruit.

    So the idea that one can't have free will without the possibilty of sin, is in my view, a fallacious one. God has free will. Does he sin? No. Why not? Because he is not ignorant. He has enough knowledge to be personally convinced of the value of righteousness and this makes the choice of sin an undesirable one. Thus one can have free will without the possibility of sin.

    So if I was God, I would have implanted in Adam and Eve all the knowledge necessary for them to fully understand the harm that doing wrong ultimately causes.

  • jam

    Yes you get zapped by God if you exercise your God

    given free will, so something less painful would have been

    great...So what is the point of free will ....

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