I Went Into "Cult Mode" The Other Day..

by humblepotato 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Naoscillator

    I know what you mean... I'm still in and have known TTATT for years, and am still very active in spite of it. I was given a "bible study" by an elder and try to keep it open and free of dogma but sometimes when I'm talking Cult Mode kicks in like autopilot leaving me wondering afterward "what did I just say? What's wrong with me??"

    My wife gets fed up with the insensitive treatment dished out to her by others in the congregation, getting very discouraged at times. She doesn't get that no other group of people feels such license to overstep boundaries. Hell, they all go tell strangers in the territory how to live their lives how much more with the Friends. I'll say something about getting peace through holy spirit, knowing it's probably just within ourselves if we want it.

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