Things That Make You Go 'Hmmmmm'

by Farkel 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • Farkel

    Its sanctum sanctorum, dipwad!

    Not according to "Buffy the Vampire Slayer!

    : And the locks are there to protect our brothers from either worldly individuals like yourself or false brothers like you used to be.

    Really. I've read a number of comments over the years from ex and current Bethelites and they've stated that the society has a big problem with thievery at Bethel from their very own. Of course, you won't believe this, but then again you're a dub and won't believe that there could be serious problems in your "Spiritual Paradise."

    :There is nothing to challenge.

    $$$Yes, there is, dummy. I said the WT literature is garbage, and I can prove it. I noticed you didn't step forward with any evidence that showed it WASN'T garbage.$$$

    : The proof is in the pudding. The wt has produced so many good articles that one cannot recount them all. But you already know this.

    Yes, I especially love those articles about teen-age girls being like cows in heat, and the ones about the heart being the source of our deepest emotions. Then there is the one about making sure we don't buy dog and cat food that has any blood products in it. Gotta keep those carnivores from doing what they were designed to do don't we? Then we have those articles that basically say, "if the guy kills you, he kills you. But no matter what he says he will do, if you don't scream while you are raped, we will DF you." Or the one that says to married couples, "if he puts his thingy in your mouth, we will disfellowship both of you." How about those wise articles that encouraged parents to beat the shit out of their children? I've written several long articles on that subject. Or the ones that said mental health professionals like psychiatrists were demonized? I got lotsa more. You want some more?

    : Nothing on earth is more precious than the words of spirit and life contained in the Bible and the magazines of jws.

    $$$What words would those be? Numbers chapter 31? Why don't you read that chapter and give us all a book report on the "words of spirit and life" it contains? We would all be most interested in your well-reasononed observations why slaughtering an entire culture but keeping the virgin little girls for Israelite sex-slaves is so freaking "precious."$$$

    : Are you reading the same Bible that I am? Where does Numbers 31 say that the Israelites kept the virgins as sex slaves?

    Why do you think that Moses made his armies "check" to see if females were virgins before they slaughtered the ones who weren't? The average age of marriage in those times was about 12, so most of the virgins were indeed, little girls. Why do all this "checking" for virginity? It was because Israelites could have all the concubines they wanted, and they wanted sex-slaves that were virgins. Why do you think Moses wanted the men to have virgin girls as their captives? For their girls' volleyball team? Wake up!

    Moses was PISSED OFF that they didn't kill all the non-virgin women and ordered them to go back and make it so.


  • Bang

    I think that non_trias_theos did speak some truth here, at the beginning of the thread.

    The organisation would not even give reading material to the homeless without first seeing if there was something in it for themselves.
    We'll just assume they've got cold sandwiches.

    I've seen those lowlifes eating before, I know they've got sandwiches - they're alive aren't they - they don't deserve any better - a least not the sort of things that the pure minded like us do.


  • Farkel

    : non_trias_theos

    That name is about the only thing I agree with you about so far, non. Bible-God is already bad enough without have having two side-kicks to aid him in his genocidal escapades.


  • Satanus

    Hey comf

    Can i use your big eared youknow too?


  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    You cannot belief hardly anything you read on this board. Only when you hear it from the lips of God's people. The rest of the stuff spouted here is mere tripe.

    Dear Non:

    I have never been a Jehovah's Witness, just kind of monitor this board because I have a friend who is a member. You say "Only when you hear it from the lips of God's people".... and who pray tell would that be? After reading your posts, clearly comments like yours could not come from one of "God's people". So, who are you talking about? Even the atheists on this board are classier and closer to "God's People" than the example you set with your diatribes.

  • Outaservice

    I like the Watchtowers! Especially the 40 Roll packs. Do they still do that? They lasted longer than wood in my fireplace and sometimes I had enough to last the whole winter.

    Outaservice (but still countin my time)

  • outnfree

    Bethel = sanctum sanitorium?


  • Farkel


    : I like the Watchtowers! Especially the 40 Roll packs. Do they still do that? They lasted longer than wood in my fireplace and sometimes I had enough to last the whole winter.

    That's nothin'! If you had a copy of the "Branch Procedures" book, you'd have enough fireplace fodder to last through an entire ice age.


  • the follower
    the follower

    watchtower publications do not burn - I know, I have tried.

  • Kismet

    What a bunch of bull dust has been tossed around this thread, and contrary to the point of view of the JW's it hasn't been the 'apostates' that have been doing the shovelling.

    So non-triune-god dude, you have obviously been hanging around this "apostate" site for quite sometime. I was so impressed with the JW-like love you showed for someone who you feel is so beneath you and worthy of insult. Makes me remember why I left the Kingdom Hall, sanctimonious little twirps like you.

    To quote the Bethel Home Overseer "Locks on the doors are to keep the 'honest people' out. Just because someone is at bethel doesn't make them honest." The Commissary (basically a variety store for the Bethel family) used to be an open arrangment. It ended up they were losing hundreds of dollars a week due to stolen products or cash taken out of the open till. I was the one who had to investigate it with twpo other bethel Elders and establish a cashier arrangment and the commissary was locked when no cashier was available. So yes there was thievery at Bethel.

    Re: the literature counter. No monies were to be kept in the literature counter even before the donation arrangment. The locks on the cabinets were so that publishers and pioneers wouldn't just ehlp themselves to the literature or the other congregation might 'borrow' literature and 'forget' to replace it.

    Yes, the average Witness is honest about money. Not all are, thus the reason for the locks on Bethel doors (not just the outside ones either!) and for the locks on the literature cabinet.

    Why else do you think that when counting the money from contribution boxes two brothers are supposed to count the money and sign the receipts?

    Two last things. I said most JW's are honest when it comes to money however if asked to lie to protect the Organziation most would not hesitate. Thus I cannot say JW's are inherantly honest people.

    Second: I personally feel your response on this thread speaks louder than anything I could say regarding the morals of a JW or a JW supporter. Your insults on Farkel are heinous, unloving and go against what you preach from the platform and door to door. You sir/ma'am are a hypocrite.

    I hope you continue your reading of this apostate site contrary to the wishes of your Organization. Who knows it may start getting some of your synapses firing and you might learn something.


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