Evolution: A Satanic Theory

by cofty 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    The best protection against evidence is to stay spiritually strong

    LOL !

    Yet, we may ask ourselves, why does the Theory of Evolution sometimes prove more seductive than fornication?

    Solution: WT needs to come up with a Theory of Fornication to seduce people back from Evolution.....

  • suavojr
    While the Theory of Evolution emboldens these wicked ones to throw feces at each other, it also encourages them to fornicate like bonobos. So we see that at the base of all desire is fornication. Like the Harry Potter books and movies, the Theory of Evolution is a slippery slope toward anal sex.

    Simply priceless

  • konceptual99

    hahaha - great!

  • cofty

    There have been thousands of hits from Dawkin's twitter followers.

    Excellent negative publicity for "Jehovah".

  • Vidiot

    sir82 - "I recall one time a more-ditzy-than-usual elder's wife commenting at a Watchtower study, something about 'the theory of evolution, or evil-lution, as I call it...'"

    I remember that one.

    I had personally come to the conclusion that evolution was, in fact, true before I'd even started fading...

    ...but even more interestingly, it was at that point I could hear the disdain and even downright hostility in other JWs' comments when the subject came up.

    I scratched my head at first, because a) I hadn't noticed it before, and b) I couldn't figure out why they were so hostile...

    Eventually, I came to suspect that many dyed-in-the-wool JWs were that way - not because they actually thought it was all lies from the Devil - but because deep down inside on some fundamental level, many were afraid it might really be true.

    This was, in fact, confirmed when I discreetly discussed the subject with a JW friend who I (correctly) trusted.

  • Laika

    The Dawkins quote is amazing!

  • cofty


    Richard Dawkins, arguably the most rabid defender of the Theory of E volution, admits in his book, The Greatest Show On Earth: The Evidence For Evolution that “Genesis … must be said … to be … fact” (pages 29,30,59,82).

  • Vidiot

    I wonder if Dawkins has ever dropped by and lurked here, even if only briefly.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    Awesome. The only thing funnier is the comments from people who didn't realize it was satire.

  • warehouse

    There's an article on Skittles the cat, absolutely brilliant.

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