Where to go from here...

by Patrickday 44 Replies latest social relationships

  • Patrickday

    Hi all,

    I'm new around here, but I've been browsing the site the last few days in hopes of finding the answer to the situation I've been going through, so hopefully you can help me.

    I met this girl in highschool, but never really spoke with her until about a year after I graduated. She's three years younger (however it's legal where I'm from, don't fret) and still a teenager. We spoke for a few months, only a few times did we hangout in person, but when we did it was always secret. She was great for the first few months, until she suddenly started getting hot and cold when I looked to push the relationship forward, it often lead to her needing a few days off (assumed to be because of her age/immaturity), and then we'd talk again. Low an behold, I did some digging into social media and the wonderful word of google to find out that her entire family are JW's. I knew little to nothing about the religion, outside of the knocking on doors part, so I did a bit of research and the way she acted fit right in with the general rules they live by which I found online.

    Now, here's the interesting part, I found this out last summer, and she had never mentioned it to me at any point. We chose to go out separate ways soon after, and I began a relationship with someone else which ended this past May, at which point, this JW girl began speaking with me again. She informed me that she was supposedly "with" some other guy at the time but still wanted to talk, because we get along very well and have lots in common. After knowing her secret after about 8 months, I decided it was time to talk to her about it. I'm not religious myself, I'm not for or against any religion, I was brought up with some Christian knowledge but was never baptized. As for religion as a whole, I've pretty much come to the conclusion that at this point in time it's not for me, but rather something I might be interested in at some point in the future. Anywho, I stated very calmly to her that I found out about her religion, and asked what it was all about. She didn't deny it, but explained a little (not so much about beliefs but moreso rules and such) in regards to dating rules and such. She apologized if it was too weird for me to be around, and said she wouldn't be upset if I didn't talk to her because of it. To be honest, the whole concept of it doesn't really bother me too much, it's a personal thing and everyone has the right to it (religion). She told me she couldn't really date anyone outside of the religion until she turned 18, and that her parents would be extremely upset if she went against their word. I also found out that this guy she is supposedly with is also JW, which is why her parents are okay with it. She said for me not to wait for her (she turns 18 in less than a year), because she doesn't know whether she'll want to date someone from the same belief or get together with me. She stated firmly that she wasn't going to attempt to convert me and hasn't made any attempt to do so whatsoever. She seems ashamed of the religion, I know a lot of the people she goes to school with and none of them seem to know anything about her religion.

    At the end of the day, I just can't seem to figure her out. She's dealt with the situation fairly maturely, but I still get the impression that she's somewhat living a double life by talking to me. She was baptized last summer, but still doesn't seem too comfortable with the whole thing. It probably doesn't help that her dad is "the coordinator of the body of elders" which may explain the pressure and guilt that she experiences.

    So basically what I'm asking is... What do you guys take away from this whole situation? Would a relationship with her be possible without converting to any religion? Not saying I never would, but I mean short term, is it possible. Secondly, is it likely she sticks with the religion or would it be way too difficult to leave because of the position of her father?

    Any help or thought is greatly appreciated.

  • Calebs Airplane
    Calebs Airplane

    Run away as fast as you can. You'll be glad you did.

  • Hortensia

    Not much of a chance of happiness with her. She needs to figure out what kind of life she wants before she's ready for any mature relationship. She's living a double life which is pretty common for JW teens, but not very fair to either her JW or her non-JW relationships. Until she can live authentically don't take a chance on her.

  • LisaRose

    Run like a bunny. Seriously, this religion loves to pour on the guilt about every aspect of people's lives, your girlfriend will not be immune from this. They seriously disaprove of marriage to an unbeliever, so her parents will be opposed. If she does rebel and you two get together, the likely outcome is that she will eventually feel guilty and go back, if you are married and have children your children will be brought up in a destructive cult. It can work if she understands she is in a cult and learns how she and her parents are manipulated, but JWs are conditioned to fear any information from ex JWs or anything critical of them, so it's an uphill battle. Even then her parents may shun her, which will be extremely difficult for her.

    I had the same situation, I didn't marry the love of my life, it took me thirty years to figure it out, we are now married, but there was a lot of years wasted.

  • dazed but not confused
    dazed but not confused

    Hit it and quit it…

    But seriously…..RUN!

  • millie210

    I think she will leave the religion.

    But you dont want her to think YOU drove (or lead) her out of it.

    Arrange for some distance between you.

    She will probably date or even marry young and marry someone equally young who is a JW, be unhappy and then divorce. That will probably be when she leaves the religion.

    After this (this is going to take 2 to 3 years) if the two of you stlll have an attraction to one another, see what develops.

    How do I know this and why did I list each sentence as a "step"?

    Because this is a predictable pattern among young witness girls who feel torn between their fathers position and a religion they dont want as there own. I have seen it over and over.

    Wishing you all the best Patrickday.

  • Patrickday

    Thanks for the replies so far everyone...

    Before I began reading the forum I was unaware that the religion even allows people to be baptized so young, mainly because teens are so exposed to the world and various beliefs without their parents having any real control over it. Are JW teens treated any differently than adults (outside of the whole respect thing)? Mainly in regards to punishments and things of the sort.

    @Hortensia: I'm thinking the same... As stated I don't plan on taking any chance on her until she's single, at the very least. I think she's looking to gauge her relationship with a believer and then compare to a potential relationship with myself, but that's all assumption. I think when her school starts back up again she'll be looking to hangout a little more. That's when I'll look to appeal to the more authenic her.

    @LisaRose: If I was to way out the possibilities I think that would definitely be one them. I think I'd rather take 3 steps back before even moving into a situation like that. I've thought about the whole children/marriage thing enough to realize that I'm far too young to even be considering that, HA! But in all seriousness, I agree, I would rather her come out of the religion on her own than I go in after her or force her to leave. May I ask, was the love of your life/your current partner a JW? Thanks for your reply!

    @dazed but not confused: The inner urge inside of me agrees with you. ;) Haha thanks!

    @millie: That's my hope. Given her age I've always thought that she would be curious as to what else is out there for her to experience. She loves experiencing new things from the smallest things like music to tv shows to life experiences in general, so that might be a way to draw her out. I've noticed that she was fairly closed off in her personal life when we spoke last year, but has been much more interested in me and what I'm doing since we've been talking recently. She knows I hang out with friends and am busy doing a lot of different things all the time, and I think part of her wishes she could be a part of those experiences. As far as I'm concerned, if I've waited this long and I'm still very interested in her, I'm not exactly in a huge rush to force a relationship. Time isn't a big worry for me. I've had a realization over the last few days which comes back to the old saying "if it's meant to be, it will be", which has allowed me to be at ease with the whole situation. I have a feeling deep down that she will eventually leave the religion so I certainly hope you're right. I look forward to any further insight you can provide, thanks for your help!

    Another question I have is, what does her father's position really mean for her, and for the rest of her family? Are these usually lifetime placements (meaning that these people hold the roles for a long period of time, they don't really - if ever - leave the religion)? She's told me that her parents are very easy going about the whole process, and that they don't force things down her throat, but I'm not sure if that has any bearing on how she's treated at home as well as in regards to the rules they set for her, and if they are any more lenient than rules for JW's outside of her family (does that make sense?).

  • Splash

    Even when she turns 18, 19, 20, 30, 50, whatever, she will only be able to date you if either she leaves the religion or you join it.

    If she dates you at 18 she will get serious problems at home and in the congregation.

    JW's are a very high control group.


  • millie210

    Her father being the COBE of the congregation means his family feels an inherent responsibility to set a good example for the congregation.

    Your friend is truly the ministers daughter.

    It sounds like her parents are trying to give her some space but others here are correct in saying the organization itself is going to have expectations of her to "be an example" and no matter how laid back or loving her parents are they can only buffer that to a small degree.

    She sounds like she is biding her time to me....being respectful of her fathers position but not wanting it for herself.

    Her father is vulnerable in the sense that if the congregation doesnt think he has his own family under strct control then he can lose his position. Ths creates a lot of pressure for parents (hers sound like they are trying to keep that part away from her) and also for the children that love them to be an "example" to other young people so that they father will be looked upon as a good leader.

  • LisaRose

    No, my husband was never a JW, but I did my best to convert him, back in the day. We ate lunch together every day for two years. He wanted to date, but I was a recent convert and wanted a JW husband.. We connected up through Classmates.com, very romantic, he went there two days after me.

    I know at your age marriage and children are the last thing you are thinking about, but trust me that an unplanned pregnancy is very common in this situation. For one thing, JWs do not believe in sex outside of marriage, so they will not usually use birth control, as that will be held against them if brought before a judicial committee, it would show they planned to have sex. She also wouldn't be the first girl to use an "unplanned" pregnancy to force her parents to accept the relationship. It's a pattern I have seen. So be prepared yourself if it comes to that, just saying.

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