Do you beleive in God, the bible or religion?

by Leander 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • LDH


    I see evidence of her everywhere.


  • gsx1138

    Well obviously my bio would give a big fat NO to the bible. There are far too many inconsistencies and blatant copies of earlier religions to make the Bible the word of God. The very word God carries the connotation of a patriarchal being. I don't believe the Divine is so simply defined. Which is why I choose to worship the two aspects of feminine and masculine. This is a way for me to relate to an omnipotent being or force which is more than likely not a carrier of either gender aspects. The teachings of Jesus as we know them by the writings of other people (Jesus never wrote anything in the Bible) are somewhat easy to follow because they would be considered tautologies (simple truths). Other religions taught the same things but they rarely deified the insturctors the way christianity has.
    Too me religion is nothing more than a tool to help people with their spiritual needs. Some need it some don't. But there has been an increase of attitude that the religion is more important than the people it tries to teach.

    Dear Lord, please save me from your followers.

  • Kristen

    I don't know what to believe in.

    I am a lost soul.


  • WildHorses

    Yes, I believe in God.

    I believe the Bible was written by men so only part of it are correct.

    I believe religion ALL religion is man made. The reason being, they wanted to control the people.


    I don't want someone in my life I can live with. I want someone in my life I can't live without.
  • flower


    i can relate to your post in a big way.

    after i found out the truth about the cult and realized that jehovah god as i knew him did not exist but was a creation of the watchtower i had about a million and one questions about who god really was.

    all the answers the jw's had to all the questions had to be tossed and i had to start answering those questions again. i found that christianitys could not answer those questions. the answers they did have were unacceptable and mostly they didnt have any answers. the answer was always faith, faith, faith. if somethings not making sense you have to HAVE FAITH. if you have questions about life, death, ect? ...HAVE FAITH. if you lose someone, something, everything..just HAVE FAITH. well i now say FUCK FAITH! (pardon my french)

    faith is just another way of brainwashing people into believing something is or will be that can NOT be proven in any way. theres no way to get anything, have anything, do anything by faith. you have to do it, get it, work it out yourself. if you dont you have just as good a chance of never having as you do having it, no matter how much faith you have. things work out sometimes and they dont work out sometimes. faith has nothing to do with any of it.

    i found that when I threw out the jw answers and faith there was absolutely no basis for me to believe there is a biblical god or a superior being in the sense that christians believe.

    i dont know if there is a greater being out there or not. if there is, i do not believe it is a 'person' in the sense that we have always believed. i dont think that it has the ability to care or plan a purpose for humans or has anything to do with humans. it, in my opinion, is nothing more than a great force.

    i have absolutely no reason, proof, evidence to convince me of the existance of a biblical god or an inspired word of god therefore i dont. that is not to say that i dont 'want' to but i simply cant believe something just because i want to.

    i reserve the right to change my mind should some proof come out contrary to my current beliefs.


  • metatron

    It's much easier to believe that the Bible represents a
    progressive revelation. Old Testament types were a mere step
    away from being barbarians. 1st century Christians probably
    were self righteous and annoying to the Romans.

    Yet, over time, progress was made. It took two centuries
    of the U.S. constitution and its humane principles to extend
    to blacks, women, and other minorities. I kinds like Tippler's
    idea that God exists in the future, not the present, and that
    he is working back thru history to change things.


  • Valis

    meta, only if Jehovah is a revisionist historian!


    District Overbeer

  • ISP

    I don't belive in much of any of the categories.


  • Carmel

    I don't believe in the god that most atheist don't believe in, but I do believe. The bible? Well, what's not to believe in? It exists, and so does the Koran, Bagavagita and other holy books. Its value? Limited at best. Religion? Of course I believe in it. It's like electricity or nuclear power. Used for good, it is the greatest civilizing force on earth and the source of the majority of humanitie's motivation. Misused, it is the source of hatred, bigotry and disunity. What's there not to believe in?


  • TruckerGB

    As a person who grew up with a religious background (father a vicar) I have drawn some conclusions which may give a slighly different angle on this disscussion.

    The Bible the word of God,no,utter rubbish.
    I believe that the Bible is a very valuable historicle record,written centuries after the events happened,there is geological evidence for example,of a worldwide flood,all religions seem to tell of this,could this have been the melting of the ice age when sea levels rose and be actually a racial memory I.E sitting round a camp fire telling the story from father to son down the generations untill it was written down.

    Religion itself,I think a form of mind control to keep a population in order sums it up,rule by fear.

    God,well I think does exist,not as an old man with a beard sat in the clouds,but as the good and best in all of us,call it concience,morals, whatever,but most of us do the best we can for others and ourselves.

    Also if there is nothing after,what is the point of doing what we do.

    I know this isnt put very well,its late for me,but there is a lot to think about,I belive the Greeks invented the art of philosophy and we have been beating ourselves up over it ever since.

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