Pedophile Elder in jail gets reinstated

by Trapped in JW land 31 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Iown Mylife
    Iown Mylife

    Jerry you are so right, WT does not care about children or anyone, really - WT is a money-making corporation/cult.


  • Focus

    Trapped in JW land:

    But what are YOU going to do about it?

    Alternatively, PM (not in a post!) me the name, and the area or (new) congregation, and I will pass it on to ex-UADNA enforcement.

    I'm confident you are telling the truth, but it will be checked out first, and then, depending on what is found, appropriate action (strictly within the law) taken with:

    (a) local community folk including jWs and/or:

    (b) WTS itself

    re alerts.

    Your username / posting handle will not come into it, nor will this website.



    ("Responsible" Class)

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