How much punishment can WT take

by joe134cd 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Focus

    The Harlot can take a great deal of punishment, alas.

    The tough part to overcome is the Persecution Points mentality.

    The more you beat the b*ggers, the more they think that serves as confirmation that they have "the truth".

    S.S. Reichsfuehrer Heinrich Himmler recognised this dub-like quality, and aspired to mould his S.S. elite on this amazing loyalty.

    For a loony-bin idiotic cult of wash-ups and failures that has categorically predicted the end of the world four times (1914, 1915, 1925, 1975) together with a host of other less glaring false prophecies, it seems amazing it was not consigned to the dustbin of history ages ago.

    But it hasn't.

    Half measures don't work with the Great Whore... she can regenerate.

    We beat her on the internet. Now lets beat her in the pocket. That's the only language they comprehend.

    Salute them for breaking up our families and stealing our lives plus all the things that jookbeard mentioned? NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    They have had over a century of free reign to use their clever propaganda and mind control tactics to build up such a huge international money making business using free labour, but now we have the internet to expose their lies. It won't happen overnight, but they are definitely starting to feel the pressure now otherwise they wouldn't be working so hard to get apostate youtube videos banned before the rank and file get a chance to see them!!!

    Now, that's the spirit! Well said, ambersun.

    Don't be too riled about the rising numbers. It's in poor, disadvantaged countries without widespread internet. They can't afford to pay the pimp that much. Throttle the WTS in the First and Second World, and the battle will be mainly done.



    ("Hate - godly hate, mind you!" Class)

  • Ocean1111

    This a a view neither JWs or most of their critics are seeing. Both groups are in their own "sideshow".

    Overall there is probably a decrease. In a complex system certain sectors will have growth. Overall in 40 years it is a massive decrease. So putting out the a "2%" growth stat can just as easily be a -2% actual decrease covered with stat fiction. They have it at a bare minimum of perceived growth, at a level that has to actually be contracting overall due to system dynamics of contraction in the more intensive nations. This is shown almost literally in almost a billion in property assets in the US being liquidated. If we knew the whole story internationally and in other assets Bethel is probably shift a couple billions to external positions for the coup phase.

    It is undeniable to those understanding these corporate signals they are anomalous. To JWs it can be sold as "the end is really near brothers!". To those in the know in Bethel and externally it is the end of Bethel that is drawing close, NOT the world system. So every positioning can be taken with a theological or JW mythological cover in their "self fulfilling prophecy" prepared by Bethel.

    It is so well covered in this subterfuge every stage of the coup can be sold to JWs as "prophecy fulfilling brothers!" or "it's the end!!" or "it's the attack on Babylon the Great!" or "it's King North of Daniel 11:44!!" or "it's the UN!!!" or "we are being persecuted just like in 1914-1918!!" or "the GB/brothers have known all this would come!!".

    In any event Bethel can go through a corporate deconstruction phase and raise no true alarm signal in the isolated JW community, because as seen it is expected. By looking at what JWs are primed to expect, we can reverse engineer what is coming to fulfill the Bethel "self fulfilling prophecy".

    This allows the operation to go further because now a completely different operation can be deployed to a final coup [phase], and Bethel can even cancel the JW ministry by GB Pied Piper command, and cease the ministry even though it is not a scriptural mandate in any prophecy, it is all Bethel invention to aid the cessation of the JW ministry and the removal of the corporate authority into legal and financial quagmires for potentially years to come. JWs even expect their own ministry to "come to an end when the preaching work is over". Of course there is no actual scriptural backing for this, the "great tribulation" effect allows deceptions to be injected with that HUGE expectation in JWs.

    Everything Bethel is bringing on JWs is already primed into JW expectation very directly. Those expectations furnish a "self fulfilling prophecy", but the fulfillers will be the Bethel coup artists.

    Thus a well designed subterfuge such as this in EVERY possible psychological override in the JW collective mind is not accidental, it cannot be, it is too well orchestrated. Whether in "prophetic interpretation" or assumed mythology, JWs are mentally primed with all the elements of Bethel's downfall and the end of the ministry. Now the average JW and even their critics are not seeing the true bigger picture, the JW org is being couped from within, like any other classis espionage development in history that was successful. The Bethel one is ingenious, it is top notch subterfuge with big booty to be taken in the process, slave labor provided capital development from the pockets of the JW slaves too boot.

    There has been few coup investment opportunities as lucrative as the final payout from Bethel will be. We are talking minimal investment but from JW's own wallets, free slave labor, global scope, efficient deployment, like massive ROI, JWs are financing their own system demise, and it will be sold to them as "prophecy fulfilling brothers!!".

    So like any other highly controlled system, but this one by experts of deception also present in many national media systems, the true pros of behavior control, this one is also totally predicted in many contingencies, it is pure fiction Bethel is installing into a dated and isolated people. JWs have even ignored all of post 1990 to today, JWs live mentally in a nation-state age of 1950-1970, all focus is on the past, all material is recycled, all alternative media is demonized, all possible evidence is hidden in the "apostate" tsunami and omitted from the JW "food at the proper time" which is a prepared GB dinner, at Styrofoam and wood pulp half rations to boot.

    One couldn't wake up JWs if one tried. The ship going down, then reflecting on it a couple years in and after the process, is the only way for the light to peak through the fog into the JW cave dweller eyes, when JWs will only have other sources of information from which to put the story together. "The end" JWs are being primed to expect is coming on Bethel, the world system will continue on, and in that day over day, year over year continuation, is when JWs will start to comprehend something really is not right.

    That is when JWs will start to awake, in my opinion a full two years or so into the Bethel engineered corporate deconstruction project. In it's initial stage JWs will AID the process go figure. Neither JWs or most of their critics are really seeing what is going on, it is not random hypocrisy and slow spiritual decadence, it is gradual, consistent, planned and purposeful from within. The "Armageddon" is on Bethel, it is not something that simply spontaneously generates itself, it takes intelligent energy and strategy to get this big. The JW "enemy" is truly within, resourced and intelligent.

    Feeding JWs one thing internally, and all their critics something else externally and on the Web, is how Bethel directs the deception over BOTH groups, JWs and the global public in general. It is their intended perception that both respective groups have in different forms, but both are engineered to divert attention from the real operation. Nothing Bethel says can actually be trusted, all the stats are prepared as are the effects and JW mental priming amped up now, as well as scandal fed out to stumble more people from "the truth" fourfold, than are coming in in this "astounding growth" which is just fictional stats out of the true context of far more stumbling, and an over all massive downward spiral since 1975.

    For JWs their entire mental shell is Bethel prepared and isolated as much as possible that really aids the overall delusion greatly, and that shell is a solid twenty years of now total darkness. The "Governing Body" 1976 coup was just the beginning of a farther reaching final coup operation. Everything from thereon in was engineered by deceptive expertise. I mean look at today's JWs and their spiritual Bethel fossil, all a snapshot from 1980.

    Today's JW critics see fragments, even some JWs are seeing this and that but this concept puts all the pieces, of JW and JW critics, together into a whole meaning of what is really going on, from WITHIN Bethel, it is a big act, a big production for big profit and attempting to derail and end the JW ministry permanently. A corporate takeover by international lawyers. The waves of ridicule will be enormous as this plays out and the world also sees JW's prophecy failing overall. A tribulation will be beginning, that much is true, but everything else JWs teach is way too premature. Now JWs can be tossed into that quagmire and confusion with nary a clue as to this development.

    The JW "self fulfilling prophecy" will be fulfilled.

  • QuestioningEverything

    Hey Ocean,

    I think I'm following you but can you dumb down your explanation for a possible decrease.

    I don't quite understand it

  • Skinnedsheep

    Holy crap this post by ocean1111 is the best post I have ever read on this whole site. He/she whoever it may absolutely right. If you are a doubter please watch the next 5 years. This is what is happening. If you are a lurker, start prepping your family and your self for the organizational crash.


    Skinned sheep

  • steve2

    Similar to the Catholic Church that has been razor- bladed big time in recent years but keeps growing. If you want to see a religion being punished, look not to the Watchtower but the Catholic Church.

  • smiddy

    Very interesting thoughts Ocean1111 . I persnonally beleive the guys at the top ( GB ) may very well be deluded into thinking they are Gods channel of communication on earth to the faithfull

    However in recent years we have all seen how the legal department ,lawyers ,have taken on a more positive role in administering policys to avoid lawsuits against the society.

    Lawyers are lawyers , whether in this religion or in the world , and they are out for their own gain .

    And their is no way they are as delusional as the G.B. All this grab for money , the de-facto tithe , pledges of donations , the sale of prime real estate over the world , merging of kingdom halls that were buit with volunteer labor , then sold off , the downsizing with D.O`s , C.O.`s etc. all gives weight to what you predict .

    The money is going somewhere and my bet is to the lawyers who are going to reap the windfall.


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