Jehovah's Witnesses destroyed documents showing child abuse allegations against church elder

by burnedout 25 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    The church’s Child Pedophile Safeguarding Policy says that looking after youngsters pedophiles “is of the utmost concern and importance”.

  • Dis-Member

    Yes they apparently clean all records after a certain period of time. I was away for 26 years. When I went back not only was there no record of me ever having been disfellowshipped there was also no record of me being baptised. All the new cong had to go on was my own word.

    My complete existence had been purged from all records and many of the people that new me were dead and gone or with evaporated memories.

  • Gentledawn

    Hope any lurkers out there can filter out the signal (storys and experiences like this) to noise (the current trolls running amok on the forums) ratios.

    The whole elder body (except one) opposed the legal system. During the actual judicial committees:

    "'There were 12 elders and not one of them stood up – not one': Victim of Jehovah's Witness rapist describes torment"

    Are they (the courts, police, etc) the "superior authorities" or not? What a gaggle of liars the leadership are, because every elder body is directed to contact the branch and/or legal department in cases like this.

    This story is a BIG deal. My husband is in muted, horrified shock.

    ... well, he was for a few minutes at least. But then his cult personality kicked in and he's talking like it's an isolated incident or one-off situation.

  • cofty

    Great comment GentleDawn. Hopefully your husband will give it some more thought. It all adds up.

  • truthseekeriam

    This is huge!!! I sure hope it gets more media coverage.

  • Vidiot


    Just when you think you couldn't hear something more WTF-were-they-thinking-worthy about this case...

  • Vidiot

    Gentledawn - "My husband is in muted, horrified shock.... well, he was for a few minutes at least. But then his cult personality kicked in and he's talking like it's an isolated incident or one-off situation."

    Pretty sure that'll change with time, seein' as how it's not an isolated incident or one-off situation (convictions on multiple counts notwithstanding).

    Nothing like cold, hard reality for cutting through the bullshit.

  • Vidiot

    "The church’s own policy on child abuse allegations does not prevent known paedophiles from taking on high-status roles within the organisation."

    IMO, that's the most damning statement about the WTS in the entire piece.

    I'm guessing the local JWs aren't too popular in that community at the moment.

  • Gentledawn

    This story (walesonline article) is now on the front page of Reddit and is the topmost post.

  • joe134cd

    They may from a legal point of view have the law on their side, and so far there has only been 1 official case which they have paid out on. But I just have to wonder the effect this is having on their credibility as a religion, and their ability at getting and retaining membership. It would certainly make me think twice about trying to convince the public on how robust and loving the policies and procedures of the organization are, while having this splashed across the front page of a newspaper. I really can't see a single major scandel bringing them down. Sex abuse didn't bring the Catholic Church down (although it hurt them), and nore will it with the JWs. But what I can see happening is a lot of little things slowly eroding their credibility, which will mean people walking away.

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