Kate Wild

by quellycatface 71 Replies latest jw friends

  • millie210

    I really miss your presence.

    Please feel better and remember, youve got this. You are going to be ok.

    much love to you, Millie

  • TTATTelder

    Lots of love Kate

    remember it's ok to ask for help


  • LisaRose

    So sorry to hear you are going through tough times. Leaving a high control religion is never easy, but it's worse when you get disfellowshipped. Even knowing TTAT, it hurts to know those you thought of as friends will shun you, it's a loss of your friends, your religion and your way of life as well as your son, at least temporarily for him. As with any loss, you will need to go through the grief process. Take it easy and give yourself time to heal. You are strong and I know you will get through this.

    Take care sweetie


  • John_Mann

    It's beyond obvious that she have some serious psychological issues.

    Lately I was avoiding any interaction with her even not reading her posts anymore (tec and villagegirl too).

    When several people keeping telling you to search a therapist it's better to you to listen.

    I hope she recover soon from whatever happened with her.

  • jookbeard

    100% with Yadda yadda and John Mann, she's dived in far too deep on here after only being out for a few months and was spending an unhealthy amount of time here, I felt myself she has serious mental health issues, get well soon Kate and take a deep breath and step away from all things JW related for some time.

  • Watchtower-Free

    Get well

  • Stealth

    Best wishes for better health.

  • Stealth

    Best wishes for better health.

  • Pams girl
    Pams girl

    Hope you feel much better soon Sam, when you hit bottom, the only way is up.

    Best, Paula x

  • Gentledawn

    Hang in there.

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