KIngdom Melodies 7 & 8

by SuperBoy 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • SuperBoy

    Would love to know why they aren't on the

    Any ideas?

    It's a bit sad but I still listening to them. I feel quite industrious when they are on so get the housework done.

  • SuperBoy

    I hate the new versions in the Sing to Jehovah. Is that because I am a big "A" now?


    You should really take some time to explore the musical world and find your new favourites.

    Plus, on a technical note, the JW meeting songs are 95% four-chord bullshit. I never understood why they hailed their songs to 7th heaven, as I have a musical background and I noticed the incredibly low level of musical value in some of them right away.

    Then again, they have to pull the songs out of their asses just as they do with the doctrine, so what is there to expect, not much.

  • SuperBoy

    Oh I love Dvořák but as I say, the KMs get me into a frame of mind to get work done. Not sure why.
    Currently listening to John Grant.

  • Quendi

    I started a thread on kingdom songs a while back that got some interesting responses. There were a few songs that I liked but I thought most of them were mediocre at best. Many were downright bad. I think I still have an early KM cd in my collection but I haven't listened to it in many years and have no plans to ever do so again.

    What floored me after I left the organization when I thought about it was the asolutely absurd assertion by the WTS that the kingdom songs were somehow "spiritual food" and should be viewed as such. To compare these simplistic and jingoistic noises to music worthy of religious worship and devotion was absolutely nauseating. And when I would compare that music to the works of Bach and Handel, I realized that it was like comparing a pigsty with a palace. I don't doubt there were and still are many musically gifted Witnesses, but it is obvious that few of them were allowed to contribute their talents and abilities to the Witness "liturgy." And for those who tried to do so, I don't doubt they weren't allowed to do so in a way they would have found satisfying or fulfilling.


  • DNCall

    If memory serves, once #9 was completed we went back and revised 1 through 6. By the time that was accomplished, the new songbook was being compiled and many of the songs that were originally on 7 and 8 had been discarded.

  • Barrold Bonds
    Barrold Bonds

    All I can tell you is that the new song book is absolute garbage. All the songs are totally unsingable. Whoever came up with the new arrangements and lyrics for the old songs should be taken out back and shot.

  • sir82

    One of my favorite Farkel posts, seems apropos here:

    Well, folks. I just had a minor epiphany. It’s a wonder it never dawned on me before, because it should have been so obvious.

    We can forget about doing any more research or any more exegesis. We can stop quibbling over the self-serving and false translation of the scriptures by the WTS. The fact that dubs believe that God’s name should be put above all others and at all costs, and yet they don’t even pronounce it correctly (and know it) is no longer relevant.

    The fact that they’ve gotten EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEIR PROPHECIES WRONG? Big deal. Doctrinal flip-flops, side-flops, back-flops, up-flops, down-flops and flop-flops? So what? That’s nothing!

    Lying to their membership, the media and the public about a myriad of things, including their history, their organizational and ecclesiastical make-up, and what they really teach? Pooh!

    Tax evasion by claiming to be a charitable organization that provides virtually NO charities, even for their own? Ho, hum.

    Making deals and compromising their publicly-promoted principals with the governments they claim to hate and claim to be run by Satan to protect their own interests? A normal day of business for them. No big deal.

    Uncountable deaths due to their anti-Biblical stand on blood, vaccinations, and organ transplants? Sad, but still not the biggest nail in their coffin.

    Claiming to be Christians, yet out of their dozens and dozens and dozens of books, they’ve written only one, or maybe two of them that are actually all ABOUT Jesus? A minor oversight.

    Setting up a religious caste-system with many classes of followers in direct defiance of the simple model Jesus commanded? Boys-will-be-boys.

    Micro-managing the lives of their members; spying on alleged errant ones, encouraging family members and friends to spy and report alleged wrong-doing among their own? Ruing families for life as a result? Just a blip on the radar screen of Christian apostasy.

    Secret star-chamber hearings in direct defiance of the commands and models clearly show in the Bible? Yaaaaawwwwn.

    Spreading a gospel of hate: hate towards their own members who don’t toe the line, loathing for all who aren’t their own, and ultra-hate for those who have chosen to leave that life of hate? Oh, well. No one’s perfect.

    Requiring salvation to be entirely dependent not upon a simple faith, but upon the works of peddling worthless literature which enriches the coffers of the corporation and brings poverty to many of the membership? A minor oversight on their part.

    Insane cover-ups of child-rape designed to protect the corporation’s reputation and the rapists without any regards for the innocent victims. Oh, well. The Catholic church did the same thing. Nobody’s perfect.

    Forcing millions of persons and entire families into lifetimes of financial hardship because of their insane stand that selling their books is more important than preparing for life by getting a solid education? Ok, so they slipped a little.

    Being directly responsible for untold numbers of their followers never marrying or marrying and never having children and dying childless because of their false teachings that selling books should come first in their lives? Oh, well. Shit happens.

    NO! There is even more indisputable evidence that the Watchtower Religion is not, never was and never could be approved by God, to wit:

    Their “songs of praise” suck worse than any other songs in the entire universe. Even the songs of cats tearing each other’s eyes out while in heat are more melodious (and have better lyrics for that matter) than dub songs.

    Why would Jehovah God, the Sovereign of the Universe, hand-pick as his ONE AND ONLY true and righteous organization, a group that writes the WORST melodies and the WORST lyrics possible: melodies that are designed to either bring on a screaming migraine headache, or if one is lucky, lull one to sink into a deep coma? Well, WOULD He? The Bible speaks of angels singing glory to God in the heavens. Can you imagine millions and millions of angels singing “From House-to-House” in the very presence of God? Picture that! Or, hosts of angels screeching “We’re Jehovah’s Wit-ness-es….We speak out in fear-less-ness…He is the God of true proph-e-ceeeeee! What he foretells, comes-to-be!” Shoot! I’ve heard cereal box jingles which blows that kind of musical crap away!

    Why couldn’t the mighty Jehovah God make certain that at least ONE of his witnesses had some genuine musical talent and a talent for writing majestic and inspiring lyrics? Do you actually think God LIKES to hear that cacophony sung over-and-over-and-over in 82,000 congregations twice-a-week? Even dubs hate the crap. What must Jehovah think about it, then? He invented music!

    On the other hand we have genuinely inspiring and simply beautiful music to the praise of God like Handel’s Messiah, Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring, and Ave Maria. Those songs will bring tears even to the eyes of the most hard-core atheist. Yet, those songs were produced by Babylon the Grape, a group hated and vilified by Watchtower people.

    Singing praise to God goes back as far as the near-beginning of the Bible. Of course, people sing praise TO God so that God can hear it, right?

    Does anyone think that God likes to hear “From House-to-House,” when even your average tone-deaf person cannot stand to hear it?

    Iehovah’s Witnesses CANNOT be the true religion because their songs and lyrics are not just bad; they are simply horrible. No God could approve a religion who can’t come up with anything better than the finger-nails-on-a-blackboard cacaphony they call “Kingdom Songs.”

    God deserves much better than that. That’s why dubs cannot be God’s one true and special religion. Case closed.


  • Apognophos

    I think you guys are too harsh. Some of the songs are pleasant, although I do think the new songbook is a step down from the old and I suspect many JWs secretly felt that way until they wishedprayed the bad feelings away. Comparing the songbook to the best, most lasting compositions from an entire era of classical music is rather unfair.

    Why not compare them to the hymns other churches use, at least? Are those all great? And do they have 135 of them in their book?! Perhaps the songbook could have used some editing and the person in charge was too nice to make some needed cuts, but if you pick the best Melodies, I think they ought to hold up against any other hymns.

  • Iown Mylife
    Iown Mylife

    That "new" songbook really helped me on my way out. Many of the songs were just redone and edited versions of songs from the previous songbook. Songs that had been easy to sing had some notes changed or were shortened, etc.

    I just quit singing the last few meetings I attended, instead just stood and waited. The changes were so annoying but everyone remarked that we just had to get used to them.

    But I thought, I don't HAVE to get used to anything, this is just more ill treatment from an organization that keeps people from being happy.


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