very well said!

by alwaysthinking 13 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • alwaysthinking

    Some dates are important to set, like weddings, retirement parties, and vacations, but not the date of the return of Jesus. Ever. Jesus said that "NO ONE knows." I've never really understood why something so direct and so simple could be so abused.

    quoted from

  • cofty

    Jesus was very clear that his parousia would happen within the lifetime of his 1st century followers.

    He turned out to be a false prophet.

  • alwaysthinking

    So to clear it up, once and for all, let's do this simple little test:

    1. Are you God?
    --- if yes, then stop, YOU can know.
    --- if no, continue to next question.

    2. Are you an angel?
    --- if yes, then stop, YOU CAN'T KNOW
    --- if no, continue to next question

    3. Are you a human?
    --- if yes, then stop, YOU CAN'T KNOW
    --- if no, then STOP, you are clearly confused.
    (and you still can't know)

  • givemejustalittlemoretime

    What he prohpesied in Matthew came true. The destruction of jeruslaem, the temple and the old covenant. Just like he said it would in their 1st century generation. Christianity has mis understood the hybole,metaphoric and symbolic language used in those days. It had nothing to do with a so called end of the whole world

  • Apognophos

    That's a well-known viewpoint called preterism. The question is, how do you know Jesus prophesied those things at all when we don't have any manuscripts from before about 125CE?

  • cofty

    You have obviously never read the gospels objectively. Jesus was an egotisitcal, family-destroying cult leader and a false prophet.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    Christianity has mis understood the hybole,metaphoric and symbolic language used in those days


    which has always baffled me. When it comes to proclaiming vital information involving the alleged son of god and his alleged future activities, is hyperbole, metaphors and symbolism really the best way to get the message across clearly?

    God's score on this issue: 0

    Jesus' score on this issue: 0

    Imagine if in relaying instructions to accomplish the first space shuttle mission, NASA scientists, instead of writing down clear, concise and scientific information, chose to tell cute little stories full of metaphors and symbolism, and just left it up to everyone involved to figure out what they really meant?

  • sir82

    What he prohpesied in Matthew came true.

    Really? where was this:

    Matthew 24:21: 21 For then there will be great distress, unequaled from the beginning of the world until now—and never to be equaled again.

    Matthew 24:30-31: 30 “Then will appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven. And then all the peoples of the earth [c] will mourn when they see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory. [d] 31 And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other.

    Wait, let me guess - it was "invisible"?

  • leaving_quietly

    Not only did he say 'no one knows', he also said "It does not belong to you to know..." (Acts 1:7)

  • cofty

    Not only did he say 'no one knows', he also said "It does not belong to you to know..."

    But he also said it would be within the lifetime of their generation and that they would not have time to preach in all the cities of Israel before he returned in glory.

    Jesus was as talented at prophecy as Harold Camping.

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