What new books are released this year?

by EndofMysteries 15 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • factfinder

    EndofMysteries- yes, I like the book. For me this is the most interesting book they have come out with since the Proclaimers book.

    It is not a replacement for the Proclaimers book and in several paces refers the reader to that book.

    It does not seem to be changing things around and even admited that they had wrong understandings and wrong ideas in the past that led to many being disappointed.

    But of course it is not reporting on the "bad" things. It is strictly on the accomplishments of Jesus as king over the past 100 years in relationship to things pertaining to the organization.

    It mentions the talk "Many Now Living Will Never Die".

    I am up to chapter 10 and thus far do not see anything inacurate nor undue attention given to the gb- thus far .

    And of course-the whole scope of the book is to show how Jesus is leading the org and how Jehovah is blessing them.

    Realistically they will not come out with a publication that shows the "bad" side!

  • Xanthippe

    or if you prefer your fiction non-cultish


  • smiddy

    -the whole scope of the book is to show how Jesus is leading the org and how Jehovah is blessing them.

    Excuse me ? ....100 years of invisible rulership by Jesus Christ , the King of Kings , over jehovahs witnesses organization and he has accomplished what ? and jehovah is blessing them ? Are they for real ?.... What has jesus accomplished ?.... What has jehovah blessed ?

    What has jesus christ done for the JW`s as they now want to be known as , that other christian religions couldnt claim the same.?

    What has JC done for the witnesses that seperates them from other religions ? . I would say nothing. Zero , Zilch .

    100 years of kingdom rule that doesnt seperate/distinguish false religion from true religion doesnt inspire confidence in me , what about you .?


  • Terry

    I hope to release my new book THE MONORAILS OF MARS by the first of July.

    It is a science fiction novel about Russell, Rutherford, Freddy Franz, Nathan Knorr, mind control,

    obsessive devotion to religion, etc.

    It's not heavy-handed on the message so much as it is a mystery, adventure, puzzle and alternate history.

    My book is aimed at those who are tired of the same old same old denunciations.

    My first book was a straight ahead telling of how I became a JW, went to prison, etc. (I Wept by the Rivers of Babylon).

    I'm editing at the moment and as soon as I can get it down from 400 pages to about 350 I'll be ready to go to press.

    That't it--that's my answer to the topic question.


  • Vidiot

    EndOfMysteries - "What new books are released this year?"

    "Listen, Obey, and be Blessed" (458th New-Light-revision), AKA "JWism for Dummies"

  • factfinder

    I actually like the new book

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