100 years of Christs Rule ? Acheivments ? Are you serious ?

by smiddy 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • frankiespeakin

    Acheivments is such a negative word when used to discribe what the Governing Body's 100 year Kindom ruleship has accomplished(sounds almost vulgar).

    We need quit straining out the nat and gulping down the camel when it comes to terms like Achievment, which is simply a viewpoint,, realize this is a word with many definitions and if we have faith in the Faithful and Discreet Slave then we will have our eyes of faith opened and we shall see lots of achievments, maybe not real pyshical achievements, but very very real imaginary ones with our eyes of faith wide open.

  • dugout

    ok I think i got it now hey guys newbie here been lurking for years. got a lot to say. bornin lockedup 49yrs story coming soon Im dugout now

  • Lied2NoMore

    Right after this talk they tied in to rutherford nj convention and lost the feed for several uncomfortable minutes. Then when it came back on the feed replayed about 10 minutes of the david splane rant.

    All I could think was....in 100 years jesus couldnt figure out how to work a video feed without glitches.....maybe he was pooping

  • dugout

    100yrs of kingdom speculation and disappointments, how do u celebrate that. Its crazy how they turn that around to be some kind of achievment.I can't take these people anymore

  • clarity

    Watchtowers sad record.....ruined a lot of lives

    in the meantime!

    Hi dugout ...."lockedup 49yrs"... sounds like you

    have been another one!

    Welcome to the board, look forward to hearing your story!


  • smiddy

    So JW`s really cant point to any acheivements accomplished under Christ Jesus invisible 100 year reign that couldnt be claimed by any other christian religion .

    If Jesus Christ was a C.E.O. of any commercial enterprise he would have been sacked for incompentency years ago.

    What actually do they claim he HAS accomplished that similar groups couldnt claim also .

    The mormons may have started up some years earlier , yet they could claim as much or even more success than the witnesses , impressive buildings , places of learning / educational , etc. , certainly more membership growth than the witnesses , and they are involved in charitable works for the general community .

    Much the same could be said for the Seventh day Adventists , hospitals and the like , each one , who may have left of centre traditional Christian veiws , at least they are contributing to the community as a whole .

    Jehovahs Witnesses ? They are blood sucking leeches on society . They use and abuse the system for their own ends giving nothing back into the community of which they bleed . The handouts that are given to the underpriveligded / dole ,welfare / some use to finance their full time ministry work ,with no intention of finding full time employment.

    And they are never going to give to charities ,people in need , or disaster releif for the general population because GOD is going to destroy them at Armageddon , the only releif they give is to fellow JW`s or their families.

    They are parasites in any community around the world

    You might think , I know jehovahs witnesses and their very nice people . What you dont know is that if you dont become a jehovahs witness they want you dead at Armageddon .

  • smiddy

    Welcome dugout ,we look forward to hearing more about you and your experiences , 49yrs eh ? You must have some tales to tell.


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