Family dynamics and the Org.

by LDH 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • ElectricBlue

    Xandit is a rarity in his congregation. I'm sure he's right about his congregation being more liberal than most, but as far as his "on the fence" thinking goes, he's by himself. In fact I guarantee he is pretty much a social outcast in a lot of ways. I bet he's an elder (or once was) that was raised in the Borg. and doesn't know what else to do with his life even though he doesn't agree with everything the WBTS has to say. Where would he go, and what would he do? He probably doesn't have any friends either because he's forgot how to feel. How am I doing so far Xandit? :)

  • Sassenach

    Electric Blue! It's so good to see you again! Now you really must go over to the sex forum and introduce yourself to everyone!

  • ianao
    Now you really must go over to the sex forum and introduce yourself to everyone!

    Now that's a line I could have used a few years back. LOL

  • Grunt

    Xandit, I wasn't raised as a Witness. I got my degree on the G.I. Bill, (Thanks Unk) and I post here not to complain about how my life didn't go but to warn people like you and others even more ensnared than you are that the Jehovah's Witnesses are in fact a cult and should be avoided at all cost if you are not entangled and looked at carefully and impartially if you are. A close look will reveal what I have already pointed out in the posts before this; that the organization claims equal or superior billing with the Bible by saying the Bible alone won't be enough. That the organization is controlling to the point of saying no fleshly relationship is close enough to keep you from cutting them off if they are critical of the organization. That the organization has taught lies from the beginning to the end, and if you read closely they have admitted it and admit that it is tough to swallow but you should do it anyway. Now, it is always hard to hear someone you love put down, but it is the truth. If my compendium is not honest then point out the error. Prove to me with equal concisness that the Cult known as Jehovah's Witnesses are not a group prone; to lie, deny lies, and selfish enough to allow families to be shattered and people to die over their lies. I don't think you can. Which makes your statement about being able to prove whatever you like with column A - Z the dishonest one. Your mother, if that is how you view the Society, needs to be taken off the street before she spreads her diseases any further. Drawing in the innocents with claims of holiness while all the time keeping secrets about lies they have told and denying their record even being so brassy as to claim lies aren't wrong, or that people have no where else to go, well, I don't think she is your real mother. She is like the woman Solomon had to deal with who was willing to allow a baby to be cut in half rather than admit to the lie she told. Like Solomon, read her actions, don't believe her words. Cleanse yourself and move on. As you go, tell others what she is so they won't be taken in by her false front. I have bought experience that I have paid dearly for and am still paying for. I gave a child for it. I am here to say, get out of her, her stench rises to heaven. She is white on the outside but inside full of filth and blood-guilt. If you have ears, use them. If you doubt my quotes, look them up. If you can prove otherwise, then do so. The saying goes, "Experience is a hard school, but a fool will have no other." For those reading these posts and seeing how those like myself detest the group calling themselves Jehovah's Witnesses, think hard about why. I have known them intimately since 1971. Many for far longer. Learn from our experience. Judge them by their actions and their lack of love for any but themselves.

  • Prisca

    I've figured it out!

    Xandit comes here because he's got no friends! Because his "liberal" cong doesn't exist, he just wishes it did! And because he holds so strongly to his leberal views, the real cong he associates at considers him to be "spiritually weak" and "immature". So they don't associate with him outside the meetings and field service, which he only participates in when he feels inclined to.

    Why is Xandit so negative in all his posts? Because he's a bitter, disillusioned guy who wants things to be the way he wants them to be. But ain't. Because the world isn't really how it appears to Xandit, who wears rose colour glasses all the time so he can block out the realities of his sad, lonely life. When was the last time Xandit posted a happy, postitive post?

    It's time to grow up and get on with your life.

    Take your own advice, Xandit. If you don't like it here, leave.
  • Xandit

    My hat is off to those that got on with their lives and did something with it.

    As far as the wallowers go, you're your own worst enemy and you do and have done far more damage to yourselves than I or anyone like me ever could. I try to look at things the way they are not the way I want them to be, good or bad. You should try it sometime.

    This has nothing to do with empathy or sympathy, it has to do with the reality of people who build their lives on excuses. I have no sympathy or empathy for such people because I don't believe in enabling or empowering such attitudes.

    If you want to attack me personally, feel free to waste your time. It has zero effect on me other than to confirm my opinion of your character.

    Just in the interest of accuracy. I have lots of friends, inside and outside the organization and the only thing I'm bitter about is the tax structure of the US government.

    larc you'd probably like my congregation just fine. They might even like you. Oh, and this congregation isn't much for softball, it's more basketball and football, which is unfortunate because a lot of people aren't up to that.

  • mommy

    As I said earlier in this thread, you really don't belong here.

  • RedhorseWoman

    To be perfectly honest, Xandit, I haven't seen any "wallowers" here. Yes, people discuss their experiences and the effects of WT foibles on their lives. That, however, is not is is is warning others of potential harm.

    And, I'm almost certain that you posted some time ago about your congregation getting together on most weekends to play softball. Odd...I'm sure you, of all people, would not post something inaccurate.

  • LDH

    Unless it wasn't accurate to begin with.....

  • Grunt

    I hope you didn't take my posts as personal attacks. They were not meant to be. I am hoping to point out the flaws of the organization, not of any individual. I have far too many flaws of my own to do that. I will point out the flaws of the organization as they claim to be Jehovah's Earthly Organization and if you put yourself up on that kind of pedestal and it is untrue then you deserve to be knocked off. Especially if your advice is destroying marriages, killing children and adults, and ripping familys, extended and even immediate families, apart. My brother said the Jehovah's Witnesses went through our once very close extended family like a cancer. It is true. My family strectches from Fresno, CA. through MN, TX, IN, MS, IL, Al and all over the deep South down to my daughters place in Lakeland, my son's in Orlando. We used to get together, we used to be close. The last reunion was boycotted by many of the Witnesses as there are somed DF'd who would attend. To me the Jehovah's Witnesses are a corrosive cult. Just my opinion based on my experiences and what they say.
    Please stay, please read and please offer your opinions as to any errors I make in anything I say. Constructive criticism is always welcome. I do hope you will read and look up the quotes and decide if they are taken out of context or if they don't represent accurately the views of the organization. If they don't then say so and say why. Thank you.

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