Why do the 'friends' believe Elders over Experts

by FriendlyFellaAL 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • FriendlyFellaAL

    This is something I've been wondering about lately due to personal experiences. My mother and stepfather (she's a JW, he is not) have been having some marital problems of late and instead of seeking out the advice of a marriage counselor or some similar specialist in the field, they have chosen to seek help through one of the elders in her congregation.

    I'm completely surprised by this, yet I know I shouldn't be. Why in the world would you go to an elder for help with something of this nature. I mean, if you've got a problem with your heart you see a cardiologist, not a podiatrist. Normally, it wouldn't be my any of my business, but she's constantly asking for my input. Since she knows how I feel about the Witnesses, I'm completely baffled as to how to deal with this situation. Anyone have any ideas?


  • Hyghlandyr

    Because the entire world is laying in the hands of the wicked one. Whereas refreshing waters of life of truth are to be found in Jehovah's Visible Organization.

    What can I say I went to them for advice too. Now I dont.

  • Billygoat

    I know some JWs do it because even in Christendom many Christians go to their church pastors. One big difference I see: at least my church pastor has a university doctorate. Elders are lucky to have their GED.

    When I've had issues in the past, my pastor recommended that I see a counselor, which is what I ended up doing. He had a very humble attitude and flat out told me, "I'm not properly equipped to handle XXX issues. But there is a lady in our congregation that is a licensed therapist. Perhaps you would like to visit her?"

    I thought that was pretty cool!


  • out4good3

    [quote]He had a very humble attitude and flat out told me, "I'm not properly equipped to handle XXX issues. But there is a lady in our congregation that is a licensed therapist[\quote]

    If you hold your breath waiting for an answer like that from any of those goons you're in for a rude awakening. Egotism and self-absorbed interest is the order of the day for those knuckleheads.

  • julien
    I mean, if you've got a problem with your heart you see a cardiologist, not a podiatrist.

    Don't you mean a cardiologist, not a window washer? A cardiologist and a podiatrist are both a type of doctor. What does an elder have in common with a professional counsellor?

    Q: From a JW perspective, what would make an elder be considered good at this type of advice?
    A: He knows how to use the bound volume index. Yeah real helpful.

  • out4good3

    It's been my experience with every elder I'd ever talked to when I was a member of one of their hives that the only advice they were equipeed to give anyone is more study, more prayer, more service, etc.. As if placing\selling that one more magazine for them would be the catalyst for solving any problem.

  • blacksheep

    In addition to what everyone else has stated, deep down I think they believe that all "problems," marital or otherwise, are based on failure to properly apply God's word (a.k.a. as the Watchtower teachings). Since all problems are really rooted in people's shortcomings in applying the divine truths according to the society, who best to help point this out but the "spiritual leaders"?

  • LDH

    BECAUSE of ONE DUMB ASS scripture

    "God chose the foolish things of the world."

    Because of this one phrase, JWs will be convinced to throw all rational thinking ability out the window.


  • crawdad2

    it's all in the brainwashing program..... it's very effective.
    when they have problems, they go to the ones who are causing them the problem in the first place, for more advice.....and as their lives get worse and worse, they go more and more......till they finally wake up, and get out,,,,,,,or commit suicide, cause they think god must hate them.

  • Amazing

    To the JWs, Marriage = a spiritual, Biblical, godly issue.

    JW Elders = Spiritual, godly men who apply the Bible.

    Non-JW experts = Worldly wisdom, under satan's influence, not Biblical, non-spiritual, ungodly.

    This is why the JWs trust Elders over experts.

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