Protect the elderly

by defender of truth 38 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • bigmac
  • defender of truth
    defender of truth

    Ok, so apparently this is no big deal, and I just need to make some friends and forget the whole thing.. Understood ;)

  • defender of truth
    defender of truth

    I gather that not a single person on the board feels it is necessary to act on this? Okay then...

  • defender of truth
    defender of truth

    This is the instructions from the KM, minus the scriptures and the 'encouraging results' crapola at the end. I've typed it all out on a phone, I hope somebody finds this interesting..

    1 Although elderly can be forgetful and immobile, we still need to reach them (approx.)

    Now word for word..

    2 Getting started: Usually a list of nursing-care facilities can be compiled by searching the local telephone directory. Check categories such as "nursing homes", "group homes" and "residential-care" facilities. The service overseer can take the lead in arranging for qualified publishers to visit each facility. With good planning and reliance on Jehovah, it is often possible to start a group Bible study.

    3 The manner in which the study is introduced depends on the type of facility. In large facilities with many residents and staff members, it is best to approach the receptionist and ask to speak to the director of activities. In small group homes for seniors-homes with a few residents and two or three caregivers- it may be best to schedule a time to speak directly with the owner of the home.

    4 In either situation, explain that you arevolunteering your time to encourage individuals who enjoy reading and discussing Bible accounts. Ask if there are any residents who might like to participate in a group Bible discussion for about 30 minutes a week. A variety of publications can be used, but many find that My Book of Bible Stories and The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived are well received. You may wish to show the publications to the director. The day, time and meeting room location can be worked out with him or her and will typically be posted on an activities calendar in the nursing home. Do not shy away from identifying yourself as one of Jehovahs Witnesses. At the same time, help the director to understand that you would not be coming to conduct a religious service but, rather, to promote Bible education.

    5 Conducting the Study: How you conduct the study depends on the circumstances and environment at the facility, so be flexible and discerning. The conductor should bring several copies of the publication being considered and should collect them at the end of the study. It may be necessary to bring enlarged copies of the material for some. Paragraphs canbe read, questions can be asked, and responses can be given in our usual manner. Those willing and capable may be invited to read the paragraphs or Bible passages. During the study, be engaging, positive and friendly. With the permission of the director, you can occasionally show one of the organisations videos that builds faith in the Bible or highlights lessons from a particular Bible account. It may be possible to open and close the study with a simple prayer. Some publishers have even introduced Kingdom songs.

    6 What if a resident objects to something that is read or stated during the study? Use discernment when you reply. Perhaps you can share a brief Bible text that clearly addresses his concern. If it is not practical for you to do so, then it would be best to acknowledge his comment and offer to consider the matter with him seperately after the study.

    7 On occasion a resident may ask a question or express a desire to learn more. One sister uses this approach: "That's a very good question. But since that is your personal question, let's wait until the end of our reading. Then you and I can discuss it together." It is often possible to arrange to conduct a personal Bible study with interested ones at another time and in a different setting.


    The rest basically says how to count time, and to be commited, friendly, remember their names, show kindness and respect to staff and family. Explain the purpose of the study to them. Reassure them of your sincere interest in their family member. Invite them to sit in and listen to the study.

    The bullet points at the end say:

    .Check in with the receptionist and director of activities when you arrive for the session.

    .Bring enough copies of the publication for the group. Collect them following the study.

    .Be relaxed, friendly and outgoing. Remember the residents names.

    .Read and discuss one paragraph at a time.

    .Use short questions. Warmly commend all for their comments.

    .Defer doctrinal or controversial questionsto a time and setting where they can be considered privately with the inquirer.

    .Answer questions from family and staff simply and directly.

    .Take advantage of opportunities to start Bible studies with residents, relatives, and staff.

  • TG-Jasper

    Defender of truth, thank you for posting this.

    I am not regular on this site, so I only just found this discussion.

    I have been thinking recently about who I might be able to write to so that I could try to protect the vulnerable from jw bible-bashings.

  • JT speaks-out
    JT speaks-out

    Defender of truth, I think your letter template is well done. Thank you.

  • Stirred

    I appreciate your effort but I personally habe had to put much off right now as I have too many fires I'm dealing with.

    You can put your concerns out there/here, and templates, which are helpful, but eben if no one initialky can come on board with major time dedication, you can do it if you want to. Report on your progress and that could be encouraging.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I failed to see this thread when it first posted. Their history gives reason for concern.

  • Coffee House Girl
    Coffee House Girl

    Sorry...just saw this thread...(I do like the template by the way, I will give it some thought for my area)

    It all makes sense now, my mom (regular pioneer) keeps talking about her group of pioneer sisters going to the nursing home every week to study with the was complaining about one of the pioneers being too "pushy" with the residents, making sure they are paroting the correct answers from the study publications (my mom knew they have alziemers or dementia and wouldn't remember what was just read to them).

    Do you think this is a cop out for the pioneers??? With the new "internet witnessing" from, this leaves a lot of sisters without as many activities to count time with (since only a few at a time can guard a cart at the train station or public place they will allow JWs to sit)


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