The Botchtower's attitude towards using the Internet

by Composer2005 22 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Recalling what was said by COs, and talks at CAs, SADs, and DCs, the Internet used to be from the devil! Early on, it was considered a waste of time and money that should be used for preaching. As time passed, they latched on to anything that put the Internet in a negative light... Internet addiction, porn, and worst of all apostates! It was expected that if someone browsed on the web, they would constantly have pop-up windows opening chock full of porn. And it was expected that married JWs would almost immediately find a "friend" on the Internet and abandon their family. With time, warnings about apostates on the Internet increased constantly. I wouldn't have been surprised if a home Internet connection would have been grounds for judicial action.

    But times change. Children often needed Internet access in order to do homework, and the parents needed it for their jobs. It all become much more mainstream. So, WT said that if a family was going to have Internet access, they should have it in a public area of their home... so the rest of the family could play the WT role of "big brother".

    As WT has slashed their expenses to the bone, they decided to consecrate the Internet. In their own pathetic vision, they speak of their website as something ingenious and grandeous. When in actuality, it's very static and blah. Since they've ordered that no JWs setup any websites, their singular website is all alone, surrounded by anti-JW websites of many kinds.

    And there are still lots of JWs who still don't have broadband or any Internet... like some of my relatives. They have certainly noticed the fact that WT has flip-flopped on this issue. It used to be that the Internet was evil, then it could be in the living room, now WT is featuring themselves as a smartphone app! Guess what else you'll be able to access on that smartphone in the privacy of your bedroom...

  • Mum

    Fundamentalist groups in general are suspicious of new technology. My grandfather was a country preacher back in the day. He and his fundie buddies were against radio, against TV, not to mention jewelry, sports, movies and a plethora of other things that cost money. Gradually, they came to accept all of those things. Now when I see televangelists and their minions on TV, I can't recognize that they adhere to a similar belief system.

    Like most issues, the WT has flip-flopped on this one. The internet used to be Saan's tool. I was warned by my mom that there could be "anybody on that internet," that you couldn't know who you were really talking to. (In real life, apparently, everyone I spoke to had been throroughly checked out and approved by somebody for appropriate social interaction).

    Now that the WT has made the internet their own, I assume all danger one might encounter has been removed. More realistically, the WTS might hire somebody to come up with some sort of filter to block any information they don't want their drones to have access to. They're probably planning it as I write.

    Information is their enemy. It's out there now, whether they like it or not, and they haven't been able to hide it. So they're building a compound of "safety" because everybody might come to know that they protect pedophiles and make up "doctrine" on the fly.

  • joe134cd

    I can see in the future them fully embracing it e.g encouraging people to witness and set up Web sites. They will soon be forced to. Just recently I went and holiday and virtually everything was done via the Internet. I was able to review both negative as well as favorable comments about them, even the street location. Based on the information I received I then made a decision. Everything now I want to check out I put into Google (not the URL) as I like to get a variety of opinions on various products. Religion is no different. If Wt is wanting to grow they just have to get more people speaking favorably about them outside of their own Web site. Put it this way if Wt was a motel that i was reading a review on, I'm sorry but there is no way I would of stayed there. This would be based on the fact that I had no previous knowledge of the motel and was basing my decision on the reviews. Wt you need to step your game up.

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