The Botchtower's attitude towards using the Internet

by Composer2005 22 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Composer2005

    Has the Botchtower discouraged or spoken against members using the Internet?

    Satan / Devils environment & all that j.w BS!


  • Vidqun

    At some stage they depicted the plug from the modem (that goes into the computer) as a snake.

  • snare&racket

    From memory, I remember they used some verses in Job back in 1997/98 in a Thirsday night meeting. The verses talk of Satan using a 'net' to catch people. They attempted to connect the dots and I remember thinking they were going so far as almost saying it was somewhat of a prediction, at least an amazing coincidence that it be called the 'net' and a world wide 'web' where followers could become entangled and trapped by satan

    It was actually another important point in my deconversion now I think of it, as I have never forgot that article and the ridiculously ignorant, fear-mongering tone it had. We had elders council our family as we had internet quite early. Of course it is laughable now as most JW's do. The farce of the doctrines and teachings and such dogma is so clear when seeing such huge sways in ignorant opinion from the governing body.

    The whole thing stank of fear of the unknown, fear of technology, the whole 'I remember when this was all fields and life was wonderful...' routine from an ageing leadership.

    I remember someone being at our house, a sister. She was scared as I showed her the WATCHTOWER.ORG site and she kept nervously repeating 'how do you know it is their website' and 'what if it isn't' and 'why would they have a website.' It was written in the front of the magazines by that point in tiny print, but she was scared to death of it. She was 25 yrs old btw lol

  • steve2

    The Watchtower is nothing if not flexible. Use what has worked against you for you. It's the 'If you can't beat 'em syndrome...

    And then proceed as if you were the cool guy who advocated it all along. Think older women squeezing ample backsides into mini skirts and viagra'd aging lotharios limping to their ladies of the night and the print-heavy Watchtower oozing backfire-loaded internet savvy. Groovy man - until you check out the embarrassing close-ups (i.e., apostate websites ready at a click). Ouch! Stay tuned, children!

  • stuckinarut2

    "nu-liight now allows da in-nernet ya'll...."

    (Im trying to be sarcastic and use the mental capcity of the average GB member....)

  • transhuman68
  • Vidiot

    I guarantee; on a fundamental level, they still hate it.

    'Specially since they have to acknowledge that they need it.

  • frankiespeakin

    They(Then Botchtower Geeks) are a mixed bag of fruits, some so old they should be relaxing in an old folks home with a bed pan near by for those private moments and some young whippersnappers(under 60). Change comes slow for those lost in a delusion many years and science tells us that those who beleive have brain shrinkage I guess do to lack of use.

    So on one hand they know it is a good thing but do to instant information and its educational importance they hate it just like they hate it if someone gets a higher education. It all boils down to the very common denominator -> Membership loss, bad publicity, and being exposed as charletans to the whole world.

  • Vidiot

    frankiespeakin - 'They... are a mixed bag of fruits..."

    What, no nuts?

  • frankiespeakin

    O I just kinda assumed it as a given and forgot to include the nuts. Yes quite right nuts with capitals NUTS is better because any CEO of a Corporation who feels his Corporation is God almighty's earthly organization got some serious miscalculations going on in his neuro networks that must be punching out useless data and all kinds of dumbs shit has got to be happening at that level of being handicaped with a false information reporting system based on this imaginary freind they call the main deity.

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