This decade - the 2010's - your view of so far

by berrygerry 10 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • berrygerry

    I had a relative exhort me to attend Sunday AM of the RC, to which I said no, already read the points online.

    I said that I find this decade to be the most enjoyable.

    People are relaxed, people have piercings, tats, hair colour du jour, facial hair, yoga pants (okay, not so great with the people of Walmart videos), etc., and no one gets a second glance.

    The music is awesome, movies are pretty good.

    Everyone still has their trials and tribulations, bad relationships, economic swings, etc.

    But I feel happy.

    The posted highlights from Sunday AM were:

    Anticipate Future Kingdom Blessings!

    A World Without Satan (Revelation 20:2,3,7,10)

    Happiness and joy are increasingly hard to attain. many pressures today make it

    di ffi cult to say something good.

    Thoughts on this decade?

  • Captain Obvious
    Captain Obvious

    Best in human history. yes there are still problems, there always will be. But the happiness of the manority of humans is only growing. I want nothing more for my life except for the WT to disappear spectacularly.

  • Heaven

    I turned 50 in this decade... and still, Armageddon has not arrived.

  • NewYork44M

    This decade is very important to my life. This is the first decade free from the Watchtower. Let's see how far I can go without the constraints of the cult.

  • cultBgone

    I like that...first decade without the cult....THAT is spectacular!

  • NewYork44M

    I don't have much time left, I will hit the 60 yo mark this decade. So the clock is ticking.

  • prologos

    this is my 9th decade and for the first time, my age is showing in painfull slowdowns. well, I will be an observer more and more, but

    it is the best decade for most.

    had the wars of my youth continued,

    we all would have been toast.

  • berrygerry

    Thanks for your 2 bits (bet you haven't heard that in a while) prologos.

    I was saying to 1 of my kids that this decade seemed to be the best, at least since the decade of the 1920's.

  • metatron

    I have been a pessimist most of my life but I have changed my mind in the past couple years.


    1) the mainstream media (as dominated by 6 major corporations) is losing control. Statist propaganda is losing effectiveness.

    2) A multipolar - or Asian 'new order' is rising and would be very different in practice

    3) We are on the edge of new technology that will change everything - energy, lifespan....

    It's gonna be bumpy but I'm hopeful. Heck, even the 'truth' is suddenly changing.


  • kaik

    I am not particularly hooked on specific decade, but year. I had some really good years and also bad ones. Certainly I live better today than I did five or ten years ago. Life was never linear, but sometimes it goes bit down before it goes up. I was able to find a job in the middle of the Great Recession, so did my spouse. I took 10% paycut but I managed. I cannot complain and I think I will look back into 2010-2014 as really good years.

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