Imitate the Faith of Moses Study Article

by Rattigan350 23 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • prologos

    and then write 5 books to support your position in your little fievdom, complete with the earth swollowing your rival [korah] stories. and 10% taxation.

  • punkofnice
    punkofnice Moses....let's all be a fictional character that was a murderer and saw stuff that made his say: 'God made me do it!'

  • Captain Obvious
    Captain Obvious

    Is this the same Moses that happily committed genocides at yahweh's bidding?

    The same Moses who after coming down from the mountain carrying the tablets containing the Ten Commandments, found the Israelites dancing around a golden calf? Got so mad he ordered them all killed. Stopped after 30,000 people died. Only 30,000! How loving. Great example to follow.

    Gotta love the bible. Imitate Moses and you'll be in prison where you belong.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    Is this the same Moses that happily committed genocides at yahweh's bidding?


    Maybe WT mistakenly printed this as a study article when what they really meant to do is make it a BOE Letter outlining how to treat the R&F.

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