Imitate the Faith of Moses Study Article

by Rattigan350 23 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Rattigan350

    The study article Imitate the Faith of Moses Study Article, is the same old blah that they always have. Moses, a guy who lived 4000 years ago, did

    something when he was 40 years old when he was in Egypt and when he was in the wilderness at the burning bush, an angel communicated with him.

    Our lives are not an event in 40 years, it is day to day.

    Then there was a quote from a ballerina

    “I realized that the world had given me success and the adoration of
    fans in exchange for my wholehearted worship of Jehovah,” she says. “I prayed
    fervently to him. Then I quit my dancing career.” How does she feel about her decision?
    “I don’t miss my old life. Today, I am 100 percent happy. I pioneer with
    my husband. We’re not famous, and we have very little materially. But we have
    Jehovah, Bible students, and spiritual goals. I don’t have any regrets.”

    Wow, it is always an either or situation. Worship of Jehovah or your dreams, you can't do both. That is because worship

    as they explain is constant meetings and FS and assemblies and study, etc. Then she quit the career. They have very little materially

    so I guess they can't contribute to the new arrangement. She can't even afford Obamacare. They must have searched long and hard to find this example.

    Moses was a unique individual at a unique time and he had real backing for what he was to do, don't compare us to him.

    Then the typical fantasy of the kid dreaming of talking to Moses in the resurrection. Nothing real.

  • Poztate

    Is this the same Moses who worked and sacrificed and devoted himself to the cause only to be told at the promised land for you.

    Maybe you should mention that fact to the can never do enough for the WT god

  • DesirousOfChange

    Is this the same Moses that married a foreign wife?

    Is this the same Moses who worked and sacrificed and devoted himself to the cause only to be told at the promised land for you.

    Yep, imitate Moses and you won't make it into Paradise.


  • Heaven

    There is no evidence to support Moses ever existed. So he's a fictional character that people are supposed to base their lives on? Yeah... don't think so.

  • stuckinarut2

    This quote slapped me in the face too!

    “If you are a young servant of Jehovah, how can faith help you to choose a career? You are wise if you plan for the future. But will faith in God’s promises move you to store up for a temporary future or an everlasting one? (Read Matthew 6:19-21.)”

    Excerpt From: WATCHTOWER. “The Watchtower, April 15, 2014.”

    kind of reminds me of the classic quote from 1968/9?

    "if you are a young person, you need to face the fact that you will never need a career or will ever grow old in this system"

    The org is seriously twisted to keep pushing this same stuff to each generation!!

  • stuckinarut2

    This paragraph is purely designed to keep the fantasy alive!


    “To sharpen your mental image of God’s Kingdom, look “intently” toward your life in Paradise. Use your imagination. For example, when you study the lives of pre-Christian Bible characters, consider what you might ask them when they are resurrected. Imagine what they might ask you about your life during the last days. Envision how excited you will be to meet your ancestors from centuries ago and to teach them about all that God has done for them. Picture your delight as you learn about many wild animals by observing them in peaceful surroundings. Reflect on how much closer you will feel to Jehovah as you progress to perfection.”

    The audience gave lots of answers about who they wanted to meet and the questions they wanted to ask...

    I was so tempted to answer:

    "I can't wait to ask Noah how he travelled to Australia, collected the kangaroos and other native animals, then transported them back to the Ark. Then after the flood, dropped them off at Australia again"

    How do you think that would have gone down!?

  • villagegirl

    The Watchtower and the Governing Body has by their teaching

    identified themselves as the "thief" Jesus spoke about in John 10:10

    John 10:10
    10 The thief cometh not but to steal and to kill and to destroy.

    I am come that they might have life, and that they

    might have it more abundantly.

    Jesus came to set us FREE to have us use our talents

    and NOT bury them in the ground, to have life and have it abundantly.

    John 10:10
    New International Reader's Version (NIRV)
    10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy.

    I have come so they can have life.

    I want them to have it in the fullest possible way.

  • HowTheBibleWasCreated

    I remember one odd brother saying he felt Jesus has been ruling on earth since 1975 invisably.. he is just waiting through 'the Eve period' for Armagedden. I guess he will hand the kingdom over to the father in 2975 lol

  • smiddy

    Imitate Moses and your screwed !


  • jhine

    What stikes me about any of the "quotes " from people who are supposedly sooo happy after giving something up is that they are never named and the quotes can never be verified . Am I just really nasty and suspicious or has it occured to anyone else that all of this could just be made up ?


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