My First "Publication Free" Study...

by HeyThere 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • HeyThere

    ann...ya it makes no sense and the fact that she couldnt support in bible alone and that the reasoning book even said eating did not help...she kept repeating herself.

    so, thanks to jwfacts, i went over the list of acceptable.blood fractions woth her. she agreed with them. i then asked her if she was aware that if someone took each allowed fraction it would equal whole blood? she said that you cant take it all at once? i asked for her referemce and where it was in the bible, it was during this part of the convo that she said the stuff about blood giving the recipient the addictions of the person the blood came from.

    just a bizarre response...and then followed with how i would come to understand jehovah hates blood by prayer and study....

  • HeyThere

    neon...i didnt think of it that way...the bible as a true! she was really struggling by not using the bible teach book. she is going to comtinually try to get me to go back to ot...

  • HeyThere

    ding yes!!!! that is also what she kept saying: the light gets brighter!! other religions hide when they are wrong but jws admit it! i told jer they kinda had to with the whole end of world not coming several times. i alsoemtioned organ transplants and vaccines...she said the whole imperfect man line, so i asked her if they were wrong about organs amd vaccines, how do we know that as imperfect men they are npt wrong about other things like blood?

  • blondie

    jws are taught only from publications. They also are taught to prove their points with 2 or 3 verses. NWT have bible topic outlines in the back part to prompt jws as to which scriptures to use.

    Few jws read the bible in consecutive order...skipping the bible verse part of the TMS, sometimes, oftimes the elder/MS assigned to it wings the part.

  • HeyThere

    bluesbro...omg i know!!! i seriously almost fell out of my seat when she said that...she must have seen the wtf look on my face because she said she will bring me proof. i told her i would like that. so weshall see what she has next time for this proof

  • blondie

    It always amazed me how many stupid ideas the WTS had about blood and how many jws still believe them.

    *** w62 5/15 p. 302 par. 25 The Faithful Creator ***

    Are idolatry and fornication damaging to the Christian personality? Disastrously so! So too is the taking in of blood, whether through blood foods or blood transfusions, for the Christian governing body has included this in the same category as the other evils. Moreover, recent medical research has indicated in a realistic way how blood transfusions may damage the individual’s personality. According to one authority: “The blood in any person is in reality the person himself. It contains all the peculiarities of the individual from whence it comes. This includes hereditary taints, disease susceptibilities, poisons due to personal living, eating and drinking habits.” Transfusing blood, then, may amount to transfusing tainted personality traits. How great the danger may become if the blood is taken from blood banks to which criminals and other derelicts of society have contributed! Wisely and in faithfulness the Creator of man guarded against this, and other harmful consequences, by his law forbidding blood.—Lev. 17:11-14.

    *** w75 9/1 p. 519 Insight on the News ***

    A peculiar factor sometimes noted is a so-called ‘personality transplant.’ That is, the recipient in some cases has seemed to adopt certain personality factors of the person from whom the organ came. One young promiscuous woman who received a kidney from her older, conservative, well-behaved sister, at first seemed very upset. Then she began imitating her sister in much of her conduct. Another patient claimed to receive a changed outlook on life after his kidney transplant. Following a transplant, one mild-tempered man became aggressive like the donor. The problem may be largely or wholly mental. But it is of interest, at least, that the Bible links the kidneys closely with human emotions.—Compare Jeremiah 17:10 and Revelation 2:23.

    *** g70 10/22 p. 29 Watching the World ***Personality Change

    ♦ According to a report that appeared on United Press International of August 18, 1970, the daughter of Philip Blaiberg said that he had experienced a complete personality change after undergoing a heart-transplant operation. Blaiberg was one of the first to receive a transplanted heart. His daughter observed: “I don’t know if it was the drugs or just the transplant, but he was a different man.”

  • HeyThere

    oh insane that all sounds. i did read they used to liken organ transplants to cannibalism and vaccines to the know my husband is so blind to this stuff amd has put everything into the religion now is just so hard to take. this stuff is nutz.

  • galaxie

    Hey there; are VERY courageous , hang in there I hope you have a positive outcome especially with regards to your husband.

    Best wishes.

  • AnnOMaly


    ... it was during this part of the convo that she said the stuff about blood giving the recipient the addictions of the person the blood came from.

    Apart from her statement being complete nonsense (as others have already pointed out), when the theological or scriptural arguments against blood transfusions fall apart, JWs (and I did it myself with people) would switch to medical arguments against blood transfusions - the health risks, etc.

    The medical argument is irrelevant. Blood transfusions could be completely risk free and healthy, but if the theological argument stands up, JWs still wouldn't be able to have one no matter how wonderful they are because God's prohibition would be clear. Seeing as the theological arguments are full of holes and inconsistencies, they have to use real, exaggerated or bogus horror stories about transfusion health risks to bolster their case. Don't let your JW do that. Keep doing what you are doing in bringing her back to the scriptural arguments.

  • AnnOMaly

    Another avenue you could explore with your JW friend - and this argument slapped me right in the kisser at the time (thanks to Marvin Shilmer) - how can JWs say they are 'abstaining from blood' when they are taking from blood in the form of fractions? The blood has to be donated, it has to be stored and processed and fractionated and stored - no end of JW 'prohibitions' are being ignored along the way - until a JW needs it and transfuses those processed and stored fractions that come from a product that was initially to be abstained from!

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