What would a Father's Day commercial look like if it was made by JW's?

by JimmyPage 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • JimmyPage

    A Father's Day commercial for Bass Pro came on and it got me thinking. It said, "Remember when your dad took you camping and taught you how to fish?"

    So I started thinking about my childhood and what the commercial would be like for people like myself.

    It would go something like this:

    "Remember when your dad made you wear a suit and tie four times a week?" (Tuesday and Thursday nights, Saturday and Sunday mornings).

    "Remember when your dad told you that the world would end before you graduated high school?" (And now you've been out over 20 years).

    "Remember when your dad threatened to tear down the house you lived in if you didn't start going to meetings again?" (Because at the time I was living in my grandpa's house after he died and it was on my father's property.)

    So, how about you?

    How would a Father's Day commercial look from your perspective?

  • flipper

    Great thread Jimmy.

    With my dad having been a pompous elder for over 60 years my Father's day commercial would be as follows :

    Remember those early years when dad told you " we are good for nothing slaves, what we have done is what we ought to have done " ? Didn't you just love the warm cozy feeling that gave you ?

    Or the time your dad tried to make you feel good about your sexuality by sharing the September 1973 WT on masturbation entitled ; " Breaking Free from Self Abuse " ? Then you tried to hide your masturbation, er " self abuse " habit the rest of your teen years ?

    Or the time your dad berates you for not " advancing in position " within the JW organization because you are not " reaching out ' or allegedly " advancing spiritually " ? Then you discover within yourself that " reaching out " or " advancing spiritually " has NOTHING to do with position- but to dear old dad - it does. Being a good, caring, compassionate person doesn't count, turning in field service time does. Can't you feel the love you had for dear old dad ?

    I could go on and on about my Father's day commercial for my own dad, but I don't want to vomit. I'm moving on in life finally

  • exwhyzee

    Remember all those years of evenings and weekends back in the 1975 days when your super kind Dad sat home alone while you and the rest of the family went to hear scary talks about how he and billions others like him would be destroyed any day now when armageddon struck.

    Remember how it was growing up being pitied as the "Fatherless boy" of the congregation when acutally you had a perfectly good and decent Father who was an all around better person than many of those "saved" ones at the Kingdom Hall, but you hardly knew him as he was always at work or you were in school,at a meeting, in service or at an assembly, studying your watchtower,studying for the bookstudy, prepering for service etc etc,

    Remember how Dad used to console and confort your little sisters who bawled all the way home from meeting and rushed into the house begging him to become a Witness so he wouldn't die at Armegeddon.

    Remember how he'd calm you down by telling you "not to take it all so seriously" when you woke up terrified from a "Armageddon/Tribulation" nightmare.

    Remember how Dad got a second job just so Mom could stay home and be and Auxiliary Pioneer.

    Remember how Dad would come in from the other room and try to convince Mom not to delve into the details so much when the topic of the "Trubulation" would come up during the family Bible study.

    Remember how Dad let the Witnesses convince him to sign the "No Blood" medical directive before having a heart surgery and died a horrible death from lack of blood, right in front of his family.

  • JimmyPage

    OMG exwhyzee that's horrible! I'm so sorry.

    Your post reminds me of a woman in the congregation I grew up in who claimed her non-JW husband was a horrible man who beat her and opposed the Witnesses. When I grew up I found out he was actually a great guy and that she was a loon.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    yes, just terrible childhoods

  • wearewatchingyouman

    Scene set in an unassuming middle class livingroom.

    Me: "Daddy, look at this Father's Day Card I made you in kindergarten class."

    Dad: "SON! What the heck is wrong with you?! We don't celebrate Father's Day. It's a worldly holiday created by Satan. It's to trick you into disobeying Jehovah and putting me on a pedastal to be idolized. Do you want to die at armageddon with the worldly people?"

    Me: "No daddy. I'm sorry. All the other kids made them for their dad's. My teacher said it was ok 'cause it wasn't Christmas or a birthday."

    Dad: "Well your teacher is wrong. I'll call her tomorrow. We don't celebrate ANY holidays. Now go to your room and pray to Jehovah for forgiveness. Then think about what you've done wrong. I'll be in with the belt in a few minutes. You better have a good biblical explanation as to why what you did was wrong."

    Me Looking At The Ground: "Okay Daddy."

    Cut to short outro scene with me sitting on my bed silent, looking terrified and racking my brain trying to think how one of the scfriptures I had memorized applied here. Fade out with dad walking into the room.


  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    OMG these are sad.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    yup, it's a very depressing thing being a Witness. Growing up as a child seeing those scarey images in books, etc.....isolation alwalys at long odds for salvation, very depressing.

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