The Governing Body's Currant Money Grab From The Rank And File Will Only Get Worse And More Oppressive

by frankiespeakin 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • OrphanCrow

    This recent push for money will certainly get rid of some stragglers. In the new JW religion, you have to have money to belong.

    The WTS doesn't want you if you don't have money. The demand for money acts as a separation of classes - those who can afford to donate, and those who can't. It already works like that.

    Want to climb the corporate WTS ladder? Give them money. If not, get kicked to the curb.

  • Vidiot
    They want a leaner, meaner rank-and-filer.
  • OrphanCrow
    vidiot: They want a leaner, meaner rank-and-filer.

    With large bank accounts.

    The video the WT didn't show the rank and file was the one where Sophie has a large enough allowance that she gets to have her ice cream and give donations. That is the kind of Sophie the WTS really wants - the one that is so happy she doesn't have to give up her ice cream. She can buy ice cream and be a JW at the same time. Ain't life grand?

    If you want to be happy as a JW, you not only have to give money, you have to have it to begin with.

  • millie210
    I think that is right. Remember the nice house the literature cart got to live at in the video?

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