The Governing Body's Currant Money Grab From The Rank And File Will Only Get Worse And More Oppressive

by frankiespeakin 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • hamsterbait


    The contract thing and baptism can only apply to those dunked as adults. Minors cannot enter into a legal contract.

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    I tried the I was dunked at 12 but they said because I pioneered after 18 it applied

  • punkofnice

    They are streamlining. They are so obviously money grubbing to the oustide world (that doesn't care), and us here. The R&F JW will look at it as a way to curry favour with Jehovah(tm) (the imaginary sock puppet and trademark of the watchtower god). The R&F will believe it's a short cut to paradise.

    The GB will rub their hands with glee as the ackers come rolling in for them to protect their valued paedophile like minded ones.

  • DJS

    Selling off assets, simplifying the org chart and other processes and procedures are typically things done by organizations in stress. However, the other side of this could be a long-term strategy based on the organizational design. Consider:

    1. They have bred the poorest and least educated class/relgion in the US and likely everywhere else they exist. The new ones coming into the borg will likely look exactly like that, with few financial resources.

    2. They have bled the best and brightest for years and likely see that continuing. With the Internet and the economic situation in Western and aflluent lands, this will likely continue into the future without any let up. They know that.

    3. They appeal to the dysfunctional and the social misfits of the world where they will likely continue seeing increase. It is likely the only increase will come from these areas/populations for the foreseeable future.

    So how do you pay for meeting places and the org. infrastructure necessary to serve these? I doubt very seriously that they are cashing out to help support these efforts. Even if they were those resources likely wouldn't stretch very far or last very long. The only way to gain cash flow to support their business design is to grab it from the existing cult members. Now look back at No. 1. Good luck with that.

  • ?me?

    i don't see anything "oppressive" happening.

    i do think that many on the board love to exaggerate things like this and the downfall of the WTS.

    the changes are bad, but not earthshattering.

  • Calebs Airplane
    Calebs Airplane

    Pretty soon they'll be asking JWs to dress down and send their wardrobe money to Warwick instead...

  • insidetheKH

    ?ME? said :"i do think that many on the board love to exaggerate things like this and the downfall of the WTS."

    Exactly ! This move makes them much stronger and will generate an unprecedented cashflow

  • frankiespeakin

    This money grab has got to make it harder and harder for people inside the WT. Add to this massive lay-off and forced retirement with almost no benifits of District and Circiut Overseer's, Bethelites, and probably even Missionaries show to what lengths the GB will go to save and collect money. This Corporation must be the worst Corporation to work for or donate to with no finacial statements, no transparency, and no idea where it all goes.

    These guys on the Governing Body are Crooks with a capital 'C'.

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    I betcha the Fremont CA kingdom hall get sold and perhaps one of the San Diego Kingdom halls to recoup some lost money that is being paid out in child molestation lawsuits since in the GB's eyes these congregation cost them on the books.

    And I suspect that as more and more people/JWs wake up because of disillusionment and more and more of these cases become public that these lawsuits will only grow in number as time goes on and then the selling of property/Kingdom hall/assembly halls will gather much momentum and begin snowballing.

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower
    Just remind me again, is the society nearly bankrupt and fighting for survival, or banking hundreds of millions if not billions through donation and property deals in London and New York?... I do forget things

    Both are happening simultaneously. With a little imagination one can see that they don't have to be mutually exclusive. Years of delusional mismanagement and wishful thinking tells me that these CEO's don't know what they are doing and I'm relatively sure they have been operating at a loss for many years since they went to a complete donation basis when offering literature. Which could explain their big kingdom hall money grab, to me it is a sign that things are bad and getting worse.

    Alston said she chose to use her name and speak to reporters Monday because she wants to give victims a voice. She said filing civil litigation in hopes of changing the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ policies did not amount to committing an act against God, even though her attorneys say the Jehovah’s Witnesses might shun her for doing so.
    "I know that there are other victims," said Alston, who now lives in San Diego. "I know that you're scared because you're worried about being punished by God. But God would never do something like this. So it's OK to say something. Because if you don't say something it's going to keep happening."

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