The great British Weather

by FL_Panthers 13 Replies latest social humour

  • FL_Panthers

    anyone else getting a bit tired of being wetted upon?

    I've sort of had enough already, suede shoes in the rain is not not a good idea.


    on the plus side, it's fun for fish

  • Laika

    Ha, yeah, Florida it ain't!

    You get used to it when you live here. :)

  • punkofnice

    As we say: 'Nice weather for ducks.'

    We Brits are always moaning about the can see why.

  • zebagain

    In a lot of drought stricken Australia we welcome the rain! Unless you are in the parts that flooded the year before last and last year too or the bits that burnt to the ground with wild fires.

  • Xanthippe

    Yes precipitation here too this morning. Didn't we have a gorgeous early spring though? My garden looks beautiful, full of flowers because of the sunshine we had in April. Where oh where has it gone!

  • KateWild

    British women hate it because it messes their hair up. It's sunny one minute and then it storms down. Not like Florida much, but I thought in the summer you get lots of rain due to the humidity, don't you?

    Kate xx

  • outforever

    ah shame! was looking at Sky news this morning and yes for you guys it is all rain. I am in South Africa, Durban and we are sort of into winter - but the sun is shining and do not have to wear a jacket. Wonderful!

  • Ucantnome

    i like the british weather with its changeableness.

    i have lived in a warm and sunny place and found it was somewhat boring. day after day of the same warm sun, blue skies. i have also lived in a place where the winters were very cold and long and summers were very hot and humid.

  • not bitter
    not bitter

    I'm longing for the Florida sunshine. Sunshine makes me happy.

    Its so dank, dreary, dull, grey and depressing here in wet Wales

  • FL_Panthers

    Bank holiday in London was terrible. And I can't wear suede which is a negative

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