Whatever happened to Marvin Shilmer?

by MrMonroe 11 Replies latest jw experiences

  • MrMonroe

    "Marvin", who I understand is a pseudonym, has an excellent blog whose most recent post was last September.

    His most recent contribution to Wikipedia, where he made very valuable contributions, was March 2013.

    I have emailed him wondering if he's OK, but haven't had a response. Anyone know if he's OK or what the deal is?

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    I think Marvin may have been a figment of my imagination. However, this is not the first thread started on the Marvin Mystery.

    Someone wondered and asked where did Marvin go... in a little rhyme.

    Maybe, if I wish long and hard, I can will him to return. Mr. Monroe, just remember: Marvin does NOT really exist.

    Sorry if that breaks your heart. In time it will heal. Blood coagulates.

  • steve2

    Well, at least Marvin never promised to come again. If he had, true to the Biblical precedent, we'd be kept waiting and waiting. ...

  • Iamallcool

    Simon gave Marvin Shilmer Posting Restrictions to 10 posts per day and he gave up. Marvin, if you are reading this, you can get a new username and Simon will let you join here again as long as you will "behave".

  • besty

    I felt he didn't really understand how to make forums like this work for him.

  • James Jackson
    James Jackson

    I believe Marvin is a woman we all know and love and is very involved with the Child Sex cases the Watchtower has tried to keeo quiet about.

  • tiki

    really James J???? The style is different.........

    Maybe he's Outlaw's alter ego. Remember Outlaw disappeared for a while one time.....

  • Iamallcool

    Outlaw had trouble with his internet connections in the Mountains.

  • Giordano

    One to many "Answer the Question" "ANSWER the Question" "ANSWER THE QUESTION!!!!"

    It was like watching someone club a baby seal. But I do miss his intelligent posts.

    A little restraint always helps.

  • RubaDub

    Last I heard he had purchased a cattle ranch in Southern Nebraska.

    Rub a Dub

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