Nestor and Toni Kuilan in the works of a new book!

by A.proclaimer 26 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • wallsofjericho

    oh and btw, please dont mail any tax recepits or anything, im "still in" and not ready to get bustedvyet ;)

  • Hairtrigger

    Looking forward with impatient anticipation for Randy's meeting . Also -perhaps a translation into English for those of us still struggling to learn Spanish. Thank you A Proclaimer.Appreciate the post.

  • Dogpatch

    no problem, wallsofjericho, I do not give out such info.

    I am not asking for money, but thanks!

    I have just wanted to meet them for 32 years and hear THEIR side of the story!


  • A.proclaimer

    You're welcome Hairtrigger. It would be great to see these interviews if they can be video recorded. This part of Watchtower history has been preserved thanks to these guys and other like Randy Waters. Without all of you we wouldn't have all this information and it would be pretty much erased. A mini documentary on this event would be cool to do too.

  • Dogpatch

    Nestor and Toni will be interviewed in English, which they are masters of, as well as Spanish. You can't translate well unless you know BOTH languages better than 98% of the human race!

    I am sure if things go as planned, there will be a solid Spanish version. It would alter the course of a few hundred thousand Witnesses to hear it from them, especially with all the experiences out there already... just like a golden missing piece of a very complicated and ugly story. It will give them COURAGE.

    To leave.

    To stop the shunning and destruction of families from disfellowshipping.

    Spain and Brazil JWS are hot opponents of the WT vocally right now, it would be PERFECT timing for an interview with someone else who was there, me, watching it happen and feverishly making notes during the secret Bethel elder's meetings only attended by 300 old men who had been at Bethel for 500 years. Vampire Kings.

    Witness Albert Schroeder delight in taking the helm and engineering the destruction of all who oppose the mighty Watchtower.

    The wet-behind-the-ears new GB take turns pissing in their fight corner, all the time sucking up to the oldies. People like the current President of the main WT corporation. Members of the GB are not, or to my knowledge, NEVER WERE (in this generation) on the Governing Body. They are much more comfortable being totally UNKNOWN, as it enables them to do the most damage. They are the REALLY SICK DUDES behind the scenes. But they are quite aged. Yet they were brilliant in understanding the nature of the human alpha male desire for complete control. Normal accolades were simply pathetic to them. They delight in passing them on to their puppets on the GB. Tidbits for the doggies.

    Why do you think that is the case? If you can't answer that, you need to step out of your shell and meet the sharks in the REAL world. Study OTHER cults. Only then will you wake up and take the red pill. Problem is, most prefer the fantasy.


  • Pistoff

    Randy, I have seen you refer to this board of directors behind the scenes before; will we ever find out their names?

  • Dogpatch

    Hi Pistoff,

    It's on my websites but it is dated as to the list of officers of each corporation - maybe someone has an updated list. ... but I believe the powerful Don Adams is still President of the more influential of the two legal corporations. He enjoys complete anonimity because few people know how this stuff works in the WT. I'll look for it. It also means you don't understand big business. :-))

    This is not uncommon in the business and religious world, folks.


  • Iamallcool
  • Iamallcool

    Is Karl Adams related to Don Adams?

  • Alfred

    I had the great pleasure of having them over my home about 2 years ago. I tried to convince them back then that they should share their story for the spanish speaking community... I'm glad they're finally doing it... very nice couple... can't wait for the book...

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