AWAKE! Blasts Vatican "Hypocrisy" on Real Estate Aquisitions

by 4thgen 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • 4thgen

    AWAKE! May 22, 1969 Page 30

    Watching the World: Blasts Vatican “Hypocrisy”

    ”Professor Harvey Cox of the Harvard University Divinity School told some 4,000 prelates, priests, students and scholars from more than 9 countries that the Roman Catholic Church is helping foster unbelief. Cox Said “Perhaps the major reason for the unbelief in our times is not that people find the Gospel incredible but that they find the Church incredible.“ He also stated “A Church that is not able to take a firm stand against war….a Church that preaches poverty but continue to accumulate real estate is not a Church which deserves to be believed.“

  • cantleave
  • BluesBrother

    Hypocrisy ? Real Etate ? Property acquisition? Do they mean like this? property-in- Wales -UK

  • Vidiot
  • kneehighmiah

    Fail so hard mothereffers wanna fine me.

  • A.proclaimer

    It's so ironic how for years the Watchtower condemned all these organized religions for doing this and that and in the end they use the same methods. Thus the pot calling the kettle black. One elder I was talking to about the donation arrangements and property buying justified it by saying "the churches of Christendom do it too".

  • Vidiot

    A.proclaimer - "One elder I was talking to about the donation arrangements and property buying justified it by saying 'the churches of Christendom do it too'."

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    "One elder I was talking to about the donation arrangements and property buying justified it by saying 'the churches of Christendom do it too'."


    Oh, I see. Then why don't JWs also do all the other things the churches do? Like celebrate holidays, support the government, support military actions, donate blood, operate charities, etc, etc, etc??

    It's a typical JW response- condemn everyone else until what they are doing suits WT needs.....then the same conduct is magically transformed into a positive.

  • Vidiot

    AndDontCallMeShirley - "It's a typical JW response- condemn everyone else until what they are doing suits WT needs.....then the same conduct is magically transformed into a positive."

    Is it just me, or does it seem like the more the WTS tries to distinguish itself from "Christendom", the more like them it becomes?

    Double standards - even for the sake of expediency - are still, nontheless, double standards; add it to the list of other "shady lawyer tactics", including (but not limited to):

    - obfuscation
    - ad hominum attacks
    - confirmation bias/willful ignorance
    - intellectual/academic dishonesty
    - misrepresentation of inconvenient facts

    Once again, for the people in the back...

    ...if you have to cheat to defend your ideology, it doesn't deserve to be defended.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    Vidiot: Is it just me, or does it seem like the more the WTS tries to distinguish itself from "Christendom", the more like them it becomes?


    It's just you. LOL.

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