It's Foolish to Believe the Watchtower Will Always Be Around.

by kneehighmiah 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • kneehighmiah

    No offense jookbeard because this includes my beloved parents, but all those who think like your dad will soon be dead. The org knows it too. I'm sure they have done demographic studies. My parents are over 60 now. I hope they don't waste the rest of their time being burned out by JW activities and can enjoy retirement.

  • kneehighmiah

    One last but very important thing I forgot to mention is the inability to find a decent mate will kill membership. Young ones are very limited in their choice of mate. This means more will face being disfellowshipped because they need to have sex. Or they will leave so they can develop normal human social skills. Divorce rate amongst my friends is around 50%. JWs aren't being taught how to have happy marriages, and put on a fake persona during the dating process. They will eventually look elsewhere for happiness.

  • jookbeard


    he is dead LOL!

  • LV101

    knee - what a happy topic! God speed or evolution speed - whatever.

    jook - that's funny, "he is dead LOL!"

  • DJS

    Vidiot is right. So is everyone else! Change or die; it's really that simple, but the Borganization is relatively young as cults and religions go, so one would have to study how cults transformed into mainstream religions. Or not. The Borg is up against a lot of issues which do not fit their business design (and it is a business). They rely on under-educated people who can be easily controlled. For a certainty there is still a lot of those types left in the world, but they are shrinking due to the Internet and a general improvement in soci-economic welfare around the globe. People with decent jobs and disposable income aren't likely to be attracted to the Borg.

    It will be interesting to see how they evolve. Selling off assets, streamlining the org chart and minimizing everywhere they can are all actions taken by organizations feeling stress. But still, dumbass cults have been around for a long time. The only difference with this nasty, hate-filled cult is that they have 'heaven's gated' their way in between a rock and a hard place. Good for them.

  • Ignoranceisbliss

    This is a really interesting discussion. A lot of great points were made. I believe the next five years are going to be very interesting to watch the Borg. I have a feeling that this new breed of GB has become power hungry. They love the attention they are receiving. They are definitely not afraid of making bold moves. Perhaps they will overplay there hand in some aspect And this May drive more away.

    Many jdubs are my parents age. Early sixties. They already stuck thru 75. For them to throw in the towel now would be about the equivalent to saying that there entire life was a waste. For the generation after them though...just maybe they will leave in masses at some point.

  • Magnum

    Ignoranceisbliss, I agree with everything you said. It is going to be interesting to watch the org in the next five years; heck, even this year is interesting. I, too, believe the GB members have tasted stardom and love it, and they have become power hungry.

  • Space Madness
    Space Madness

    I just want to make a few corrections. Gay marriage is not recognized in most states and Obama is not black, he's half white. It's worth noting in most states where same sex marriage is recognized the citizens voted against it but judges forced the recognition of same sex marriage anyway. It'll be a long time before the majority of the united states' citizens accept same sex marriage and even longer before they elect a black president. With that said the Watchtower will be around when your great grandchildren retire.

  • jam

    I don't think that you will ever have another Black man that wont

    that job...Have you seen Obama lately, he have aged 20 years.

  • DJS


    I don't know why you mentioned these subjects, as they appear off-topic. Where do you get your information?

    Same-Sex Marriage Support Reaches New High at 55%

    Nearly eight in 10 young adults favor gay marriage

    by Justin McCarthy

    WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Americans' support for the law recognizing same-sex marriages as legally valid has increased yet again, now at 55%. Marriage equality advocates have had a string of legal successes over the past year, most recently this week in Pennsylvania and Oregon where federal judges struck down bans on gay marriage.

    From Wikepedia:

    Public opinion polls in the United States since 2010 show majority support for legal recognition of same-sex marriage. Majority public support for same-sex marriage has solidified, as polls since 2010 consistently indicate support above 50%.[1] Support has increased steadily for more than a decade, with supporters first achieving a majority in 2010.[2][3][4][5] An August 2010 CNN poll became the first national poll to show majority support for same-sex marriage,[6] with nearly all subsequent polls showing majority support.

    Two successive Gallup polls in 2012 saw support climb from 53% to 54%, indicating a steady but slight growth in acceptance of gay marriages over the past year after a more rapid increase between 2009 and 2011. In the latest May 8-11 poll, there is further evidence that support for gay marriage has solidified above the majority level. This comes on the heels of gay marriage proponents' 14th legal victory in a row.

    When Gallup first asked Americans this question about same-sex marriage in 1996, 68% were opposed to recognizing marriage between two men or two women, with slightly more than a quarter supporting it (27%). Since then, support has steadily grown, reaching 42% by 2004 when Massachusetts became the first state to legalize it -- a milestone that reached its 10th anniversary this month.

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