Don't You Think It's Odd That "Jehovah" Was Invented By A Catholic Monk?...

by minimus 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • bigmac

    for a while--i was on a few FB sites used by many african jw's---they use the word JAH all the time. i made the point that it wasnt endorsed by the wts--to no avail---like talking to the living dead.

    why not use the word JOVE---or--better still--JUPITER---all mean the same--all wrong.

  • Apognophos

    It's strange that the WT called it a translation. That's not what translation means. Turning "YHWH" to "Jehovah" is a rendering or transliteration.

  • leaving_quietly

    Their argument is "Jehovah is the mostly commonly recognized English translation; No one gives us flack for using "Jesus" instead of "Yehoshuah", so why give us flack for using "Jehovah" instead of "Yahweh"?

    I think it is a reasonable argument. Names are translated just as any other word is.

    The simple reason for giving flack is because they make such a BIG DEAL about RESTORING God's name in the Bible, even going so far as to insert it into the Greek scriptures where THEY THINK it's supposed to be. If they are going to restore God's name, then RESTORE GOD'S NAME!!! Don't give it a half-baked effort!!!!

    Edited to add: Those who cry out the loudest will get the most attention. JWs are the ones bringing this upon themselves because they cry out the loudest that they, and only they, have the truth, and that they, and only they, use God's name, and that they, and only they, BEAR God's name. Just saying... the flack is well-deserved.


    Don't You Think It's Odd That "Jehovah" Was Invented By A Catholic Monk?.....Minimus

    Without Catholicism, the JW's wouldn't know how to operate at all.....Mum



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  • nonjwspouse

    Plus, thier own WT literature admits in a footnote ( forgot where) that yahweh is a more accurate transliteration, but they use jehovah because it is more well known, which is a complete falsthood. Yahweh is more well known. So they say they use the name Jehovah out of men's "tradition" which I believe they might have used the word tradition!

    No J in the Hebrew is a huge clue that it is incorrect!

    I have brought this up with my husband when he claims one of their essential doctrines is that they were the only ones using God's name. HA

  • villagegirl

    The Watchtower Society is SO similar to the Catholic Church its uncanny.

    Outlaw puts it in humor - It is an actual fact. The governing Body is like the Pope

    and Cardinals, then you have Bishops and Priests, and women are considered nothing,

    but do most of the work religiously. The Catholics excommunicate, the WT disfellowships.

    The difference is the Catholics actually do help people and the WT does no charity work

    at all, they just collect money and are unaccountable to the people they take it from.

    On the issue of the NAME it is a ploy to degrade Jesus Christ. The name Jehovah is

    used by a lot of other denominations and Yaweh and other Biblical names for God.

    The combining of Adonai and YHWH by a monk to use the consonants of one and '

    the vowels of the other to make a "pronounceable" non Hebrew name is hilarious.

    No disrespect intended by me to God. But the actual worship of this mistaken name

    by the witnesses in their ignorance is sadly ironic.

  • nonjwspouse

    VillageGirl I brought up that same thing about the WT being so much like the Catholic Church, many similarities, to my husband. He gets rather uneasy when I bring this up, and of course denys it.

  • minimus

    Well, the Witnesses owe the Catholic Church a debt of gratitude.


    Don't You Think It's Odd That "Jehovah" Was Invented By A Catholic Monk?...



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  • Apognophos

    thier own WT literature admits in a footnote ( forgot where) that yahweh is a more accurate transliteration, but they use jehovah because it is more well known, which is a complete falsthood. Yahweh is more well known.

    Actually, "Jehovah" was the accepted spelling and pronunciation up until the 20th century, when scholars increasingly pushed the use of "Yahweh". That's why there are still church hymns that use "Jehovah", whereas I'm not aware of any that use "Yahweh", and why various old Bible translations used "Jehovah" in the handful of places (Ex. 6:3, Ps. 83:18, etc.) wherever they did not replace the name with something like "LORD".

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