Taking my sister to church this Sunday!!!

by confusedandalone 13 Replies latest jw experiences

  • confusedandalone

    So yesterday I stopped by my sisters home and decided to just hang out and shoot the breeze... she was telling me that since she has stopped going to the Kingdom Hall (the last 9 months) she still looks for things to do on Sunday. She feels she should go and do something and she likes the idea of church. It seems fun and will giove her a place to meet people. I don't want to encourage nor discourage her from doing what she wants I just warned her about getting involved in something like DUBS especially so soon afdter leaving a high-control group.

    She says she has no desire to be controlled that way again she just wants to finally experience something else without the idea of being scared of what will happen next. The only catch is that she wants me to go with her. I told her that I sure would like to go and share this experience with her. After all,m we were not allowed to associate as younger people because my folks kicked her out on the street because she would not go to the hall anymore. Long story short, we are going to go to a Baptist Church so she can go to the picnic afterwards and indulge in all the fun of something new.

    I feel honored that she wants me to go and share this moment! I am glad she is free from WTBTS and is fully aware that jumping into another commitment like that would be deadly. I think my work is done. I am gone from WT, my wife and children as well! My sister is no longer going and all of her children as well.

    I may have lost my folks and my brother, but in actuality I do not miss them at this point. There has been enough pain that they have caused prior to my decision to leave so knowing they are gone isn't really an issue. Not to mention the fact that they no longer want to talk to my family and told me I am no longer of their sort or even a part of the family.

    The best part of this is that I can honestly say I am not hurt anymore. I have nothing to grieve over, I feel like a normal person in a very short period of time.

    I think I have graduated.

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Yay , Confusedandalone!!!

    and 3 Gold Stars!


  • scarredforlife

    It sounds to me like you are doing well. Go on Sunday and have a good time. You might want to try a non-denominational church also. Have fun! Many churches are NOTHING like the JWs.

  • jgnat

    Keep an eye out for triggers such as crosses, references to the trinity, and the passing of the basket. Friendly invitations do not have the same import that the Witness invitations have. If I were to plan this event for you, I might suggest the picnic first. But I get it. Enjoy yourselves with eyes wide-open (imagine you are visiting a foreign country).

  • quellycatface

    Good for you. I have a nice time at my church. No one expects anything of me.

    I'm glad you are able to come to terms with your family situation.

  • InChristAlone

    I would like to hear about your experience if you care to share.

  • nonjwspouse

    I don't know if you know this, but "Independant Baptist" Churches can be high control.

    I grew up methodist and we had coverd dish picnics after church often. I loved those!

  • Laika

    Have fun! If nothing else it's another way to discover for yourself how the Watchtower misled us on churches as well.

  • KiddingMe

    Doesn't it feel good to be able to support someone else without having to worry about how it will look to others?

    No worrying about, what if one of the "friends" see me, or what if a "non-witness" that knows I'm a "witness" see me coming out of a church...will it bring reproach on Jehovah?

    All that extra stress and pressure - just to control and keep up appearances. It doesn't matter that you are not there for yourself and simply supporting someone else in their own journey. In JW world, that's a no no!

    It's great that you are neither encouraging or discouraging, but still being supportive. That's the definition of unconditional love and support!

    Let us know how it goes.


    If the Baptist church doesn't fill the need, I would recommend checking out a Unitarian church. They have no specific beliefs that all members must adhere to. They have speakers from various faith traditions. Unitarians accept anyone including gays, pagans, transexuals, Humanists, atheists, etc. And they are very environmentally Aware. Anyway, just a suggestion.

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