Relationship with Jehovah?

by Batman89 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • quellycatface

    I always thought I had a relationship with God. He has answered many of my prayers. Some may call it luck, which I respect.

    I now realise that I don't need to be part of an organization to have that relationship. I do go church however, as I enjoy the social side.

    You gotta do what's right for you.

  • L3G

    Yes, and still do. Thx Batman for starting this thread. I haven't gone over to the Jesus freaks either, like so many here love to tell that they have. I've long wondered, especially after reading the comments by people here and on other JW/ex-JW forums, "Wow, did these people ever have a relationship with Jehovah?"

    I'm reminded of the thread begun by Data-Dog not long ago, to which, among others, committeechairman responded, and his reply shows that he has or maybe had a relationship with Jehovah:

    Again, Batman89, for the thread.

  • NewYork44M

    I really tried to have a relationship with Jehovah. May be it was not in the cards, or perhaps I did not try hard enough. In any event, we have gone our own separate ways. If you happen to see Jehovah, or talk to him, let him know I am doing fine.

    Although, I doubt he remembers me; you know, running the universe and 'what not' tends to be a big distraction as compared to me.


    Hey now, don't forget about AWATCHERS miraculous interactions with Jehovah. Jehovah made sure an Eldub printed a list of names for him/her. Meanwhile, a Sister in my town kills a child with her van, more old people die, a good JW man who adopted children dies and leaves his wife alone, a JW family gets struck by lightning, and an elderly Sister kills her passenger on the way to the memorial. Oh yeah, don't forget poor Whitney who was sexually assaulted and killed by Jonathan Holt. Oh, yeah..and all the children being molested..


  • punkofnice

    God favours some people over others and there is no reason for it apart from God knowing's part of his's be alright in the end blah blah.

    I prayed my heart out in great faith many times.

    Nothing! People helped me and not all worshippers of the same let alone any God. that's not a relationship with god.

    Why would god impinge upon the free will of others to make his favoured ones happy? Ah, it's all too much to ponder....

    ......suffice to say I still do not see how you can have a relationship with a creature that is like the 3 monkeys.....hear all, see all, say nowt!

  • Dis-Member

    A Watcher:

    Dis-Member, if you are referring to me, I must say that Iriddle80 said it quite well: "Now that I am interested in a relationship with Him, I see Him all over my life."

    It's difficult to explain one's personal relationship with Jehovah. It's like being in love. I talk to Him in prayers, He answers me with actions.

    I was not particularly referring to anyone really except the elders I mentioned. But now that you have volunteered.

    "Now that I am interested in a relationship with Him, I see Him all over my life."

    Does this mean by that that none of us here were ever interested in a relationship with God? Are you saying I sincerely prayed for over 35 years for nothing?

    You have not really explained or described your relationship either.. all you did was quote another persons sentence about having a gooey feeling in their tummy and how they now see him 'all over their life'.

    Millions are starving and dying all over the world and God has seemingly no interest in any of them but God is 'all over' her life? She must be real special.

    It's difficult to explain one's personal relationship with Jehovah. It's like being in love.

    No disrespect but that sure sounds like more vague and nebulous gooey mush to me.

    I don't doubt that one can have faith, and belief.. and hope, yes all those are easy. Even seeking God is quite realistic and doable. But a personal relationship?

  • a watcher
    a watcher

    Dis-Member, many people have had personal relationships with God. The Bible is full of them, so it is possible.

    As for that 'gooey' feeling, you need to read the book of Psalms, where MEN, especially David, expressed their deep love for God.

  • Dis-Member

    Dis-Member, many people have had personal relationships with God. The Bible is full of them, so it is possible.

    As for that 'gooey' feeling, you need to read the book of Psalms, where MEN, especially David, expressed their deep love for God.

    The Bible says a lot of things about alot of stuff that apparently happened thousands and thousands of years ago and not a single word of it can be proven.

    I live now, not back then. I have never met anyone that can describe their relationship with God with any real clarity or realism.

    As I already said.. I don't doubt for a second that person can think that they can obey God, live for God, worship God.. yes even love God.. that's not really the queston here is it? The question is "can anyone have a real relationship with God"..

    Unless you want to redefine what the whole meaning of the word 'relationship' is then I'd say the answer is still a probable no.

    Sorry but I have never really taken to David. That business with Uriah and that chick ruined it all for me.

    Seems strange also that God makes friends with killers (Moses), mass murderers (David), adulterers (David again), fornicators (David, Solomon) worhisppers of false Gods (Solomon and others), butchers of Christians (Saul) etc etc.. but the elders tell you can destroy your relationship completely and utterly if you have a fag or go to the YMCA or read this website..

    Forgive me but this all sounds like complete and utter delusional madness.

  • WTWizard

    I wasted time trying. And not only that thing did nothing but ruin every chance for me to have a decent life, but that thing wanted me to simply do the work and get nothing for it. Plus, to make matters worse, that thing damned my soul to experience that forever--totally blocking out my chances to have Satan be able to fix things. At the soul level! And I can sense that thing is trying to work from without to force me back in, this time under much harsher conditions--if it can't get me back by scamming me back in or promising to fix things, it will use the outside environment and the system it is using to enslave the whole world to force it.

    As for anyone else in the process of joining the jokehovians, I recommend not wasting your time trying to form a relationship with that monster. Not only will you waste your life doing the deadest work possible, but you risk damnation. You risk having the poverty workings manifesting themselves in being just barely able to sustain yourself, if that, through this life and beyond. Beyond losing opportunity, you risk your soul being programmed (by both the doctrines/boasting sessions and joke-hova itself) to repel opportunity with the opposite sex--and that's if you are straight (if you are gay, it is even worse). Besides the direct effect the religion has on your health (mostly negative), you risk being damned to sickness in future lifetimes, plus being sick in this life because of the sickness workings. You also risk being cut off, forever (and I do mean FOREVER), from any chance of a relationship with Satan and His Demons because of that monster--remember, you are forming a contract at the time you dedicate your soul to that beady-eyed monster. This is spiritual suicide in slow motion--you do not have a spare soul, and joke-hova is to your soul at least as bad as smoking is to your physical body (and, even once you quit jokehovianism, if joke-hova doesn't quit on you, and you cannot ask that thing to quit, it will do little good beyond no longer wasting further time and losing further opportunity, and not getting other recruits into the cancer).

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