ANOTHER poke in the eye of the balloon-god YodHeVahHe

by Nathan Natas 12 Replies latest social current

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Precis: A graduate student at the University of Cambridge accidentally discovered the first evidence of metabolism occurring outside a cell. To test the processes that could have helped spark life on Earth, students in the Earth sciences department who had been working on reconstructing the chemistry of the Archean Ocean, which covered the planet almost 4 billion years ago helped develop some experiments. The environment of the Archean Ocean was an oxygen-free world, predating photosynthesis, when the waters were rich in iron, as well as other metals and phosphate. All these substances could potentially facilitate chemical reactions like the ones seen in modern cells. Most astounding was the detection of ribose 5-phosphate, a precursor to RNA. RNA is DNA’s single-stranded cousin—it encodes information, can replicate, and helps jumpstart chemical reactions. This finding suggests that oceanic metabolic processes could have, over time, engendered the conditions necessary for RNA precursors to appear.

    Baby Jesus wept.

  • Apognophos
  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    GEEZ... 21 days ago?!?!? My apologies, ladies and germs!!

  • villagegirl

    Nathan : Why do think this disproves the existance of higher intelligence ?

    Or the existance of beings invisible to us, beings, that are not carbon based, and don't live here?

    The universe has 100 billion galaxies and who knows what forms of life are out there ?

    God is a being, of some other form, living elsewhere, that is visually not in our limited

    light spectrum that we can detect, "invisible" as the Bible puts it.

    Scientistics with the aid of the HUBBLE space telescope photographing and observing

    deep space and instruments that detect gamma rays and radiation have determined

    96% of the universe is completely unknown to us, unknown, Nathan, a big "What the hell is that"

    What they mean is they feel the effects and measure them but cannot SEE what is causing the effects.

    Or why. Unknown and invisible, this means no biology on earth, or time estimate, we have of

    biological carbon based forms "disproves" anything at all. It just is, what it is.

    Numbers in the Bible are symbolic. Like 144,000 thats symbolic and nobody knows

    what any of it really means. The Watchtower led you to believe there are emphatic,

    calculations and definitions and timeframes and predictable outcomes for everything,

    there are not. Its called uncertainity. Just bask in the wonder of it all.

  • Satanus

    Still, you got another pointed stick into yhwh's eye.


  • villagegirl

    YHWH is not the enemy. The Governing Body, of the Watchtower Publishing Society and "organization"

    is the enemy. And how does the discovery of amazing life forms in any way "stick a pointed stick

    in the eye" of the Creator ? The universe is amazing, all life forms are amazing. From microscopic

    life to Elephants, all wonderful life, sentient beings who are able to percieve and feel things and who

    are all around us enjoying their lives, its only humans who seem to be miserable, mean spirited

    ungrateful and hard hearted. A colony of bees has a better time than most groups of people and

    they do more important work.

  • Pistoff

    Village the idea is that the building blocks have been shown to start up life processes independent of an all powerful god.

    Prove or disprove the idea of god is not really possible.

    To show that life started and developed without special intervention, that is useful information in deciding whether one believes in God or not.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    And now ya know why college is discouraged! Knock it off Nathan, you otter Knorr better!

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    VillageGirl asked, "Nathan : Why do think this disproves the existance of higher intelligence?"

    It is called "the preponderance of evidence."

    In the 18th century and earlier, most scientists held that the Bible was the inspired word of God and they would make way for popes and priests to spout their imaginings of "things Divine" as though the popes and priests were accurately reporting the features of an undiscovered country to which only popes and priests had access. The underlying presumption was that as man's knowledge grew, so would his conviction that there was an Author of All Creation who only asked that we worship Him.

    But things didn't work out that way, did they? As man investigated the universe, at each level, instead of finding signposts that said, "This way to God; Worship Him," evidence accumulated to show that "No GOD need apply here."

    No doubt about it, we've developed some nifty tools. We can examine and manipulate individual atoms, and we can peer futher and further back into time. Many marvelous and astonishing things remain to be discovered: tomorrow, next week, a year from now, a century from now.

    And nowhere will there be a sign that says, "This way to God."

    There is no Creator, there is no spirit realm, complete with all the fixings. Shit happens, and this shit is it.

    Enjoy your imaginitive flights of fancy about God, but remember that you have no evidence at all for it, only "what-ifs" and "maybes".

    WHICH of the ten thousand things called "God" is the right one?

    That's a trick question; the correct answer is NONE.

    Popes and priests and other god-hustlers are only saying what the mooing herd wants to hear. They are parasites and suck life out of mankind.

  • Viviane

    God is a being, of some other form, living elsewhere, that is visually not in our limited light spectrum that we can detect, "invisible" as the Bible puts it.

    Which spectrum of light are you considering limited? There is only one and we can detect things all along it.

    Its called uncertainity. Just bask in the wonder of it all.

    Yet you are certain God exists outside of the light spectrum with absolutely no proof. Perhaps you should take your own advice. Or at least not contradict yourself within one paragraph.

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