I am going insane sitting here in the meeting listening to this repetitive garbage!

by stuckinarut2 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    No visits.....yet, although an Eldub just asked me about having an "encouraging visit." I'm sure the C.O is bothering the Elders. He's probably just trying to do his duty and what-not. I just said that I was pretty busy right now, which is true.

    I don't know what the C.O thinks. He just comes to town like a traveling salesman and does his dog and pony show, and is on to the next town. I am sure he isn't to thrilled because our congregation service time is down quite a bit, and we was wondering how he was going to explain that to the Branch. He can worry all he wants as far as I am concerned.


  • BU2B

    Thats good DD. I dont know how things are going to go for me. My parents will express concern about my slow down sooner or later, and they will decend into greiving mode. My wife will be a victim, my parents will be victims, my daughters will be spiritually fatherless children, and I will be On the level of Hitler, Stalin, and Pol Pot for having the nerve to believe differently from them (a human right by the way) I will be the bad man for standing up and saying that I will not live my life based on the ever changing interpretations of fallable men who have a 100% failure rate, and who promised in 1968 that high school kids then would not grow old or fulfill and career "this old system" has to offer. I will be looked at as a leper for having the nerve not to teach the general public, or my 2 girls as unquestionable fact the current teachings of the GB.

    I am going to tell my wife when the time comes, in as calm as possible a way that I cannot in good conscience teach to anyone as fact, things that I either do not believe, or have serious, sincere, logical doubts about. I cannot teach as undeniable fact something that could be chnged tomorrow into the opposite direction. I cannot teach anyone that you should die instead of take blood, in light of Matthew 12 and my own common sense and compassion. I will not tell my daughters that I will let them die as opposed to getting life saving treatment because it "makes Jehovah sad" To do so would be the utmost hypocricy. The bible says that to do ANYTHING your consciense tells you isnt right is a sin.

    Others have the right to their opinion, I have the right to mine. Thank goodness we dont live in Saudi Arabia or Iran where we could be executed for apostasy. They would do it if they could.

    I dont know how it will go when I stand my ground in the near future, but I see it coming and If I bend too much further, I will break. My wife just texted me and told me she loves me and wants me to be happy... We shall see if that is what is in her heart or not. As for my parents, I hold out the slightest sliver of hope for my Dad to see TTATT, but none for my mom. I pity them and how I will make them feel, but as they grow older and see no promised new world, maybe they will see I was right.. So sad, but we must live our life in the way we feel is best and not in the way others think is best. We only have one life as far as anyone knows.. I am about 75% sure death ends it all.. Cant waste too much more time in the cult environment. However, spending a couple of years trying to wake up our loved ones is a self sacrifice and a noble cause.. However once it seems obvious its not working.... Get the hell out people.

  • FadeToBlack

    Hey guys, If I can do it, you can do it. I am without a doubt the most non-assertive, go-along/get-along type of guy on the planet and yet, I don't go to meetings any more, and I am not going to meetings any more. If someone doesn't like it that is their problem. Wife is tolerant and we are actually talking about it. She knows I am not a bad guy. Of course in some ways my situation is easier because I have no other family in the borg. So the shunning tool is useless.

    I understand your predicament if you have children and don't want to lose contact with them but you need to develop an exit plan that includes them, even if the wife in not going to cooperate. You might need to take one for the team - be there for your children when they need someone ouside the borg. I regret that I didn't do this myself much earlier. My son (now an adult and not active) does not blame me for raising him in the truth, but it plagues me that I didn't alllow him to experience a normal childhood. I know he would have loved to be involved with team sports.

    What a waste...

  • FadeToBlack

    Bu2B, your wife may suprise you. Just be kind and calm. Don't give up...

  • WTWizard

    Joke-hova does not protect anyone. Rather, that thing enslaves everyone it can, and then uses them to impose communism on everyone else.

  • villagegirl

    I have fantasies about how I could have turned around and ran out of the

    Kingdom Hall during my first wedding ceremony, I see it vividly picking up

    my long white gown and just leaving before I said, I DO, running down the aisle

    and out the door and onto the street and down Telegraph Road all the way home

    to my (not jw's) parent's house. I do remember the urge to do it at the time

    and some fleeting worry that the reception was already paid for. When we are young

    we do not realize how precious our life really is and our time. We allow years to be wasted

    in meaningless routines.

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