I am going insane sitting here in the meeting listening to this repetitive garbage!

by stuckinarut2 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • stuckinarut2

    So I am sitting here at the meeting during the "book study"...

    The study is all about gods protective power!

    Oh, yes, protective power....for righteous servants of his.....but what about all those who are trying to be good witnesses, serving the gb, who are not protected from harm?!

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    I don't know how you do it ?

  • stuckinarut2

    Neither do I?!!!!!!!!!!!

    thats why I post here during the program to try and just keep my sanity!.....(it helps that I can sit at the back doing the sound, so no one sees me online!)

  • punkofnice

    Well, at least you're awake (no pun intended).

    Worst case scenario if you have to stay in the filthy cult, you can report back with all the stupidity you hear.

    We love to hear the rubbish they're spounting whether GB approved or not!

  • KateWild

    As your name suggests you are stuck in a rut. You are going insane as you need to take action. During the meeting you can formulate your exit plan, or formulate a plan to wake up your loved ones. Use the information provided at meetings as a springboard to your plan.

    You can talk to your loved ones about the item. Ask them how they would tell a householder God protects his servants if they said

    " but what about all those who are trying to be good Christians, serving God, who are not protected from harm?!"

    If you frame it in a way that a householder says it, you can test the water. All your questions are valid and cannot be answered to give a truly satisfying answer. The meeting will be more bearable if you really listen and discuss the material in a critcal way. But you need to be careful if you don't want to be Df'd, so formulating an exit plan is important too.

    There are many on the board here who have just stayed stuck in a rut for family and have learned to live with it, but it can be very lonely and stressful.

    Take care Kate xx

  • zebagain

    It is a bad bad thing they do talking about "protective power" like it is some sort of force field. It is very similar to one nation of African soldiers who are taught that by eating certain herbs makes them bullet proof.

    What the hell are they trying to put over? What of those killed on the way to a convention? did the PP get flicked off that day.?

  • disposable hero of hypocrisy
    disposable hero of hypocrisy

    Ha! You sound just like me!

  • Tiktaalik

    Get up and leave. Never go back.

    You only go along because you think you have to.

    When you do finally leave, one of your biggest regrets will be that you didn't do it sooner.

    You are, quite literally, wasting your life.

  • jookbeard

    think of us lot that done decades of it !

  • Ignoranceisbliss

    Sitting at the meeting on Sunday I realized that I have become an expert at shutting down my brain for two hours at a time. katewild has a good point though. That is a perfect time to meditate on an escape plan. I might just start doin that.

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