The Legal Department

by stillin 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • blondie

    Education is not a barrier to being caught by a cult. Scientology is one example.

    In Chapter 4, Hassan goes on to explain the type of people susceptible to joining cults.

    "Most people would like to believe that they are in complete control of their mind at all times. But it is precisely this belief in our own invulnerability that allows cults to entrap unsuspecting recruits. There are three primary reasons why intelligent, educated people with stable backgrounds can be drawn into cults. First, there is a pervasive lack of awareness about cults and mind control.

    Second, many situations make people more vulnerable to recruitment. For example, person whose parents have recently separated or divorced will be more likely to listen to a recruiter who describes his group as "one big happy family". Someone whose romantic relationship or marriage has just ended will be more susceptible to come-ons by an attractive person. Other common variables include: death of a loved one, illness, loss of a job, graduation (from high school or college), and moving to a new location (city, state, country). Situational vulnerabilities occur in everyone's life. It is easy to see how people tend to be more vulnerable to an attractive recruiter offering community, love and meaning during such episodes. "

    Finally, some individuals have psychological profiles that make recruitment easier for cults. In general, people who have difficulty thinking critically will be easier targets. People-pleasers, who seek the approval of their peer group out of insecurity, and anyone with low self esteem, will be more vulnerable to the peer pressure exerted by cult recruiters. Individuals with learning disorders, drug or alcohol problems, unresolved sexual issues, pre-existing phobias, and other unresolved traumatic issues will also be easier targets. Cults seek out such vulnerabilities and use them against recruit, often making grandiose claims that their group will solve all of the person's problems." - pp.86, 87 (Releasing the Bonds...)
  • stillin

    Boy, you could have fooled me in my home congregation. Though there are a couple of brothers with engineering degrees, the rest of them are very slow. I can see how even somebody who has been through Law School might still be prime for cult conversion at some crossroad in their life, but it seems like, at some point, a light would go on in their head.

    Then again, some idealistic lawyer may feel that there are valid freedoms to be protected and the JW's are involved in a number of issues. So there is an opportunity to work on a case with a higher profile, while still not actually signing onto the JW lifestyle.

    Lawyers will be lawyers.

  • blondie

    I have worked in the legal setting for over 30 years....and I have learned that wisdom does not always follow knowledge or degrees.

    Don't confuse education with wisdom.

    Wisdom is APPLIED knowledge/education.

    And I trust Steven Hassan's personal experience and his years of helping people in cults to trust his words.

    Steven Hassan joined the Unification Church in the 1970s and was a member for more than two years. He now works as a counsellor and has written books about cults and their techniques.

    I consider myself to be an independent thinker. I was an advanced honours student. I had skipped eighth grade. I cycled across the US when I was 16. I did not think I was vulnerable to being brainwashed by a cult.

    I was 19, and it was the beginning of the spring semester at college when three women, dressed like students, asked if they could sit at my table in the cafeteria. They were kind of flirting with me. I thought I was going to get a date.

    At some point they said they were part of a student movement, trying to make the world a better place. I said, "Are you part of some sort of religious group?" They said no. They also didn't say they were celibate and that Reverend Moon was going to match people and tell them when they could have sex. If they had, I would have said: "You're crazy, leave me alone." I say this to highlight the point about deception: people don't knowingly join cults.

    Little did I know, within a few weeks I would be told to drop out of school, donate my bank account, look at Moon as my true parent, and believe my parents were Satan. I didn't even believe in Satan until I met the group.

  • nonjwspouse

    I find it ironic the JW got thier name and much ofthe organization and rules from the narcassistic FDS leader, a lawyer. Ever since i feel it is the lawyers behiind much of what is being decided. All with legal considerations, protecting assets, maximizing income. The layers must have this golden cash cow they adore.

    Just look at how much the corp is divesting and reallocating. Lessening lisabilities with the appointments etc etc

  • stillin

    I guess it's true that KnOWLEDGE is like knowing that a tomato is a fruit. But WISDOM is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.

    maybe I paint with too broad a brush, Blondie.

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