Don't you hate it when they just comment from the paragraph?

by toto555 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • HeyThere

    it is mildly entertaining how people crowd around after the meeting is over "i loved your comment" " your comment was wonderful!" when all i did was read a line from the dang

  • blondie

    Of course, in the last few years the WTS had a directive not to bring in outside material, not even from WTS material, barely allowing people to give personal experiences.

    But what bothers me is when they say:

    The paragraph says

    The magazine says

    The Society says

    The slave says

    The organization says

    or children who are prompted at the last minute to parrot their parent's words, not understanding what they mean

    But never

    The Bible says

    *** w98 3/15 p. 19 par. 4 Living Up to Christian Dedication in Freedom ***

    In order to avoid misunderstandings, Jehovah’s Witnesses try to be careful about how they express themselves. Instead of saying, “the Society teaches,” many Witnesses prefer to use such expressions as, “the Bible says” or, “I understand the Bible to teach.” In this way they emphasize the personal decision that each Witness has made in accepting Bible teachings and also avoid giving the false impression that Witnesses are somehow bound to the dictates of some religious sect. Of course, suggestions as regards terminology should never become a subject of controversy.

  • Bangalore
  • stillin

    One of the approved readers forgot himself and took his "simplified version" to the platform and read each paragraph from that. I suppose the conductor figured that if it's published by the WTS, then it's OK with him. If we happen to get a really good reader (about. 1 chance in 9) the reading of the paragraph is way better than the q&a review after each paragraph!

    we had an aging conductor that habitually asked the reader to read the next scripture when he meant read the next paragraph. Arrrrgh!

  • objectivetruth

    If I could comment in MY OWN words, without being put on the Black List of commenters, I would go back to meetings, and comment about 7 times per meeting.


    I love the crazies that comment and just go off the rails. At least it's entertaining.


  • westiebilly11

    ...and then there are the wives of elders who seem to love the sound of their own voices....much to say with little genuine substance.....yawn...

  • objectivetruth

    There were a few in My hall that ALWAYS had to Slip in a "Humble Brag"..

    "When my Husband and I served where the need was Greater"

    "Many years ago when I was a Full Time Pioneer.. I enjoyed the Ministry"

    As if the Experience can't be given, if they don't announce their Rank.

  • Oubliette

    Toto555: Can people even comment in their own words anymore? How bad is it where you're at? Can people even talk anymore without reading something verbatim from the watchtower or the book study?

    That would require thinking. This is a thing that is actively discouraged by the WT leadership.

  • HeyThere

    I think I just found a way to make meetings more fun!

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