So my mom called me out on Facebook today

by lriddle80 20 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • lriddle80

    My dad posts the daily text on facebook everyday. Today's text had to do with disfellowshipping and this is what my mom commented on it:

    Mom: I have a daughter also who is baptized but not disfellowshipped but doesn't want to learn about Jehovah I pray that she see's soon before Jehovah closes the door!

    so then I respond with:

    Me: I learn about Jehovah and Jesus everyday! He is with me and I often read Psalms 27:10 (the scripture that says though my mom and dad forsake me, the Lord receives me) and Romans 8:1 (there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ) and I am confident in my faith as I serve the living God. I love you guys and I appreciate your concern

    Then my mom messages me with:

    I hope you are not mad at me but I do love you and I do wish you would come back to the Kingdom Hall and not going to a baptist church....this is the truth Lori I know it is and I think you do to but you have to make the move please talk to an elder if you think you will get disfellowshipped they don't do that if you have changed and not doing those things anymore I love you very much and want to go into paradise with you and Larry and Billy and anyone else that is in your family and mine! And it is going to be soon!

    So, my response (long) and I avoided talking specifically about the problems of the watchtower and I used Jehovah and mentioned the stake, for her:

    I love you too!! I was mad for a moment when you told that lie about me, but you knew not what you were saying, so all is forgiven Jesus was lied about, so to think that I would have an easier life than him is probably not realistic, haha!

    I will tell you my story: A co-worker of Larry's came to him asking if he had enough food with how the car business was doing. He said he had retro food stamps and would love to help us out. So, we went and they bought us over $100 worth of groceries - anything we wanted! Then they said we should visit their church. I prayed to Jehovah, saying if this was not his will please make something happen. Well, nothing happened, so we went. I was nervous, of course, as you can imagine. Well, soon I realized that all sounded familiar and were things from the bible I had learned as a child. I relaxed a little bit. They even sang a song that had "Jehovah" in it. So, when asked if we would return, we had to because they bought us a lot of groceries, it was the polite thing to do. As we started going back, we began to learn about the sacrifice that Jesus made and what it meant to us. I began to understand that all the hurt I had caused others, all of the sins that I had committed, were really stomping on Jesus' sacrifice, something that was done for me. Oh, how I cried!! I deserved that death on a stake, not him. But it was finished, what could I do? Well, decided I would live my life with ultimate appreciation for the mercy that Jehovah gave me through Jesus' death. I thanked him for this mercy! I praised him for his loving kindness!! I believed that Jesus was the way to salvation and I knew what that meant! So, I learned the truth. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life! No one can come to the father, except through him. He is the narrow gate. Soon, my lifestyle began to change - naturally. I was sensitive to lyrics on the radio, I started being nice to people. I grew up only thinking of myself and suddenly I cared about the feelings of others. I wanted to show them love and care for the poor, because as Jehovah helps us, so we help others. I saw a change in Larry - he cared about other people too - something he had not really done before. Our marriage improved. So, we keep going to this church. A group of people have been assigned to us that we are able to encourage to grow spiritually, while we grow as well - because we never stop growing. I have seen so much fruit in our lives as well as theirs and it's Jehovah who makes them grow!

    The brother at the memorial said something that stood out to me: Jehovah will put you where you can serve best. I agree and right now I am at a place where I can serve best.

    Disfellowshipping is not a cause for fear from me. I would hate to lose my family, but like Psalm 27:10 says that even if my parents forsake me, that Jehovah never will and I will put my trust in that. I hope the end does come soon, we are ready for sure! But, Jehovah is so patient with us and I love him for that!

    Again, belief that Jesus blood provided the only way to salvation is the truth and I am putting all my eggs in this basket! There is no plan B! Works of salvation will happen naturally as we trust in Jehovah to lead the way in our lives. I have faith and the works have happened naturally. What I do like about this church vs. how I grew up is this. No person is telling me how to serve Jehovah. We read it from the bible - no one is following up with me to make sure I do it. Whatever I do to serve Jehovah is done from a sincere place, it's what I naturally want to do, because he puts that desire in my heart. I don't have to tell my left hand what my right hand is doing. I love Jehovah and Jesus with all my heart and I love others and by serving others, I serve him.

    My wish is that we can serve Jehovah, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, shoulder to shoulder and not judge whether one is better than the other. I love you all and I hope that some of what I said can penetrate your heart and you can see that this is where I should be and where my heart is.

    What do you think?

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    I'm not religious but it sounds like you are in a good place in life. Thanks for your story.


  • jgnat

    Your mom is scared, but all she is doing on facebook is to repeat all the promises she has given. She's not thinking much.

    Will she associate with you in person? I'd like her to look you deep in the eyes and recognize the love you have, and the confidence that you are safe in God's hands.

  • lriddle80

    That sounds nice! I do associate with her, but we avoid all discussion of "the truth." Maybe this will open the door for discussion. She is scared. She is a thinker, so it is disappointing.

  • jgnat

    When in a state of fear, thinking is put on hold. Don't confuse the put-on cult personality with your genuine mom.

  • lriddle80

    My family is great - aside from that!

  • objectivetruth

    Beautiful Comment Iriddle, what you and Larry are experiencing, is the same thing that my Wife & I have experienced..Ezekiel 36:26 "And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. And I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh."

    Many people look for a sign, and they ask Yahweh for a sign... When your heart begins to change, and you start to love you neighbors more, you know that Yahweh has answered your prayers..

    Remember that the wheat & the weeds are scattered thought out the world in and put of many different churches and religions.. It is our privilege as Wheat to help the weeds to become wheat, and gain Salvation Now. : )

  • lriddle80

    Unfortunately, all that talk I did from the heart and she just cut and pasted something from a watchtower or something. Really disappointing!

  • lriddle80

    Thanks, objective truth! Very encouraging!

  • Honesty

    Your mom is scared because she really believes that God is going to have to kill all nonJW's, including her own family members.

    Jehovah's Witnesses have an unhealthy fear of God because of the lies they have been told by false prophets who produce religious literature filled with failed interpreted prophecies, constantly changing doctrines (read Ephesians 4:14 and see who it applies to), medical policies that have caused many of their followers to lose their lives prematurely, etc.

    Your mom needs prayers asking that God start a good work in her like He did with you and your husband (Phillipians 1:6).

    It was terrifying the the first time I attended to worship services at a church after I left the JW's.

    I thought God was going to strike me dead on the spot when I pulled into the parking lot and saw the cross above the building.

    I asked Him to let me know what to do and it was if I was being pulled against my will to the front door.

    I went in and met my friend who had invited me and within 30 minutes inside I knew that almost everything I had been told abour 'Christendom' as I was growing up was not true.

    It was as if God had pulled a blind fold off my eyes. I heard things about Jesus that I had never heard in a kingdom hall or read in a Watchtower magazine.

    A lot of JW's would leave the cult if they had heard what I heard about Jesus during that sermon.

    I think you may have opened a door for your mom with what you told her.

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