How did HQ handle the increase of new JWs leading up to 1975?

by Zoos 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Zoos

    This new donation arrangement under the pretense that so many new halls are needed to accommodate the worldwide increase has me wondering. The numbers in the current annual reports don't show anywhere near the increase as there was leading up to the 1975 debacle. So how did the GB of the time handle a genuine need for more Kingdom Halls?

    For the generation that was old enough to understand the events of 1975, was there any special request for additional donations to handle the increase?

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    I would imagine egos got bigger, and not enough thpught was given leading up to 1976. Still easy come easy go and those that left i imagine were labelled ...well thats another story.

  • Zoos

    For that matter, was there a great Kingdom Hall sell-off after [how many?] left after the failure of 1975?

  • TheOldHippie

    There were not many KHs in the pre-75 era, at least not in Europe. Our congregation owned its own old house, and was one of the first to have one. So it was a question of renting larger school rooms or space like that. Post-75 just saw slightly less people coming but no selling necessary. My first congregation donated thousands of dollars monthly to the branch because of low cost of renting a room in an old building.

    Two neighnouring congregation are a bit anxious right now, as each of them sold their KH last year in order to build new ones and now are having their meetings in the KHs off other congregations. Each of them have a bank account of some 1 million dollars because of the sales.

    My congregation? Would have been debt free in 40 years (no kidding), but it is now zeroed out. Two opposite takes.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Two neighnouring congregation are a bit anxious right now, as each of them sold their KH last year in order to build new ones and now are having their meetings in the KHs off other congregations. Each of them have a bank account of some 1 million dollars because of the sales.

    It would seem to me that those funds came from people donating to the local congregation. Most KHalls have a Building Fund when they are planning for a new Hall. That the Trustees would GIVE their funds to the Society that were dedicated to a new local KHall seems blatant misappropriation of funds. If I had cancelled checks to that Fund, I would not be happy with the mishandling of my donations.


  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    This is a great question.

    Just checked, and publisher growth was 15% before 1975. Even in the 1980s growth was above 5%.

    Now here we are in 2014 with publisher growth somewhere between 1-3%, and yet there's this UNPRECEDENTED, EPIC NEED to build more shit.

    That doesn't add up, but not to worry!

    Watchtower has disabled everyone's critical thinking skills.

  • transhuman68

    I'm guessing everything was a bit more modest & low-key back in the 70's. My old cong bought an old school house on the edge of town, and I know another cong built a KH out of recycled materials. There is always empty space in a KH anyway, which can be filled with extra chairs if need be. An increase in 'publishers' would naturally bring an increase in donations as well, so money would never have been a major concern. I suspect the current GB are just greedy and corrupt in their appeals for more money

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    transhumun68 your point " i think the current G.B are just greedy and more corrupt in their appeals for money" i think this is an area that really needs to be looked at. Personally I dont think they are, but with modern tecnology money no longer grows on trees, and in many ways its much easier with computers and banking procedures for organisations to get their money. ( i mean YOUR money)

  • transhuman68

    Oh well, let's just say 'more careless with other people's money' then. In the past, the money was earned- in a way- through sales of publications, and seemed to be all put to a good use. Now, the money will just stream in; added to a big pile of cash already there- which seems to be going into 'churn' - change for the sake of change, and hedge funds etc. No different to any other religion I guess, but I'm starting to really dislike all religions, lol.

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    T69 ...i am sure you know about Jimmy Swaggett and why the publications became " free of charge" but not " free of cost" are starting to dislike all religion and i after ....well i am starting to dislike eating meat. We grow but at least in my " dont like eating meat" mindset my Burger King friends and i get on...and thats the difference 1975 failed you were in or out.

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